Charlie Kirk Endorses #NeverTrump Candidate in GOP Senate Primary
The head of a political organization that focuses on conservative activism on college and high school campuses and supposed ally of President Donald J. Trump has ditched the pro-Trump candidate in the upcoming Virginia Republican U.S. Senate primary.
“Nick [Freitas] is a total stud and Tim Kaine might be one of the most repulsive US Senators out there Nick can win and unseat Tim Kaine in November,” Kirk said on Twitter. “Virginia can be a huge surprise state! We need to support him to advance the Trump agenda and to beat Tim Kaine! He has my full support!”
Nick is a total stud and Tim Kaine might be one of the most repulsive US Senators out there
Nick can win and unseat Tim Kaine in November. Virginia can be a huge surprise state! We need to support him to advance the Trump agenda and to beat Tim Kaine!
He has my full support!
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) May 26, 2018
But Freitas, who serves on the Virginia House of Delegates, only recently jumped aboard the Trump train when he realized that Trump’s messaging is popular among his would-be constituents.
“In deleted social media posts from 2015 and 2016, Freitas referred to President Trump as a ‘5-time draft deferring ‘tough guy’ who would ‘take some candy from a small child . . . or maybe kick a kitten.’ He also wrote on social media that Trump was not a candidate for ‘liberty-minded conservatives.’
In February, Freitas riled up Trump supporters, saying that Trump ‘makes people cringe’ with some of his statements.”
Freitas even shared a post written by ardent Never Trump blogger Matt Walsh during the 2016 campaign.
“I am not a fan of Donald Trump. I have many reasons, for instance I dislike everything about him,” wrote the edgy Walsh. The post continues, describing Trump as a “crony capitalist,” a “sensitive, petty man with a thin skin,” and a “whiny trust fund baby” with a “non-existent character.” Freitas, of course, has now unshared the post.
Freitas is more of a political opportunist than a Trump ally. Given his sordid anti-Trump history, it’s tough to know whether he would “advance the Trump agenda” as Kirk says.
It’s almost certain that Nick Freitas will join the caucus of obstructionists blocking President Trump’s every move as Freitas never wanted our president in the first place.