Chicago Announces New 10PM Curfew For Minors

Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot just announced a 10 p.m. weekend curfew for minors following the latest teen shooting.

Chicago already had a weekend curfew of 11 p.m., but Lightfoot said on Monday that she would sign an executive order moving it back by one hour.

“No, we don’t want to arrest children,” Lightfoot said during a morning news conference. “But if we have to, we will, if they’re breaking the law.”

“My interest is not in rounding up young people and throwing them in the back of a wagon. It’s in enforcing community norms,” the Mayor added.

Lightfoot attributed this move as her way of reassuring the public that Chicago’s downtown is safe and that the government is taking steps to ensure it “remains safe.”

This latest shift in curfew by just one hour comes in response to the death of a teenager at Millennium Park.

On Sunday, Lightfoot wrote:

“Tragically, a young person — a teenager — lost his life last night in Millennium Park. I suspect an overwhelming majority of the youth who were in the Park were there to have a good time and enjoy a summer evening. But the scene devolved into one of chaos and unnecessary violence.”

“We, as a City, can not allow any of our public spaces to become platforms for danger. Anyone coming into our public spaces should expect to enjoy them peacefully and must respect and exhibit basic community norms of decency,” she added.

Of course, the public knows that Chicago’s rise in shootings alone has been on the upward trend for quite some time now. With no clear indication of slowing down.

Not to mention, the city became a national laughing stock after looting and destruction took over the streets following the death of George Floyd. With power figures like Lightfoot dismissing those antics in place of “progressive” and “inclusivity” programs that have not positively affected the city’s out-of-control crime spikes whatsoever.

So, it’s safe to say that many are not buying what Lightfoot is selling.

In fact, some Americans are even accusing Lightfoot of making an “election year” move in order to save face with voters. Even though the Mayor’s own actions and claims seem to deter even her most progressive supporters.

Just last week, Lightfoot tweeted a “call to arms” over the SCOTUS leaked draft opinion about the potential strike down of Roe V. Wade.

Many people have since accused the Chicago Mayor of inciting a nationwide insurrection, one that by definition would involve violence, based on her own poorly chosen words.

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