Child Predator Given Three Months in Prison by Ketanji Brown Jackson Continued Looking at ‘Sexually Arousing’ Pictures of Boys After Release

TOPSHOT – Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, with President Joe Biden, speaks after she was nominated for Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, in the Cross Hall of the White House in Washington, DC, February 25, 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

A child pornography offender given only three months in jail by Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson continued to lust after children following his early release.

Sentencing recommendations called for Johnson to give the predatory pedophile 10 years in prison. Johnson, who is President-imposed Joe Biden’s affirmative action pick for the Supreme Court, gave the man only three months instead – in the name of social justice or some other low IQ leftist gobbledygook – and he continued looking for objectifying content of children after his release.

According to the Washington Post, the probation office petition regarding the offender noted that he “continues to seek out sexually arousing, non-pornographic material and images of males 13 to 16-years-old” even though he has been in “treatment for more than five years.”

This news may give credence to the right-wing axiom that only effective “treatment” for pedophiles involves a bullet to the head. It also shows how Jackson’s appointment is an affront to decency because this dangerous extremist is an enemy of the rule of law.

Big League Politics reported on Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) sounding the alarm on Jackson’s history of coddling predators and enabling the victimization of children:

President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, who was picked by Biden solely because of the color of her skin, has a shocking and disturbing history of apologizing for child predators on the bench.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) wrote a Twitter thread sharing what his office has discovered about her record with regards to protecting the victimizers of children, and it is beyond disgraceful.

“I’ve been researching the record of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, reading her opinions, articles, interviews & speeches. I’ve noticed an alarming pattern when it comes to Judge Jackson’s treatment of sex offenders, especially those preying on children,” Hawley wrote.

“Judge Jackson has a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes, both as a judge and as a policymaker. She’s been advocating for it since law school. This goes beyond “soft on crime.” I’m concerned that this a record that endangers our children,” he added.

Hawley showed quotes from Jackson that highlighted her dangerous far-left ideology that coddles predators and provides them with undeserved leniency after committing despicable acts to children. 

“In the current climate of fear, hatred, and revenge associated with the release of convicted sex criminals, courts must be especially attentive to legislative enactments that “use[] public health and safety rhetoric to justify procedures that are, in essence, punishment and detention.” Judges should abandon the prevention/punishment analyses that rely on legislative intent…and that assess the “excessiveness” of a sex offender statute’s punitive effects in favor of a more principled approach to characterization,” Jackson wrote.

In another opinion, Jackson claimed there may be a “less-serious child pornography offender” whose motivation for collecting child pornography is not of a sexual nature but rather due to “the challenge, or to use the technology,” whatever that is supposed to mean.

“I’m wondering whether you could say that there is a – that there could be a less-serious child pornography offender who is engaging in the type of contact in the group experience level because their motivation is the challenge, or to use the technology? They’re very sophisticated technologically, but they aren’t necessarily that interested in the child pornography piece of it?” she said.

Additionally, Jackson said while serving on the U.S. Sentencing Commission that she “mistakenly assumed that child pornography offenders are pedophiles” and she wanted “to understand this category of nonpedophiles who obtain child pornography.”

Jackson’s nomination is proof that multiculturalism is lowering the bar tremendously as meritocracy vanishes into the ether. Diversity is weakening American institutions, and Jackson is a living testament to that dismal reality.

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