China Lobbied for Congratulation Resolution From Wisconsin Legislature

The Chinese government carried out a lobbying effort to get the Wisconsin legislature to congratulate it for its coronavirus response, ultimately failing and ensuring the body passed a motion condemning the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup of the lethal virus.
Operatives associated with a Chinese consulate in the United States contacted Wisconsin Senate President Roger Roth in February and March lobbying for a formal resolution that would praise China’s supposed adoption of “unprecedented and rigorous measures for disease control and prevention,” and laughably congratulating China for being “transparent and quick in sharing key information of the virus with the WHO and the international community, thus creating a window of opportunity for other countries to make timely response.”
Senator Roth actually believed that the email requesting he bring up the measure congratulating China was a prank initially. After he was asked again by employees of the Chinese consulate to bring up the motion, he arranged for Senate staff to investigate the emails, ultimately determining they were genuine communications from consulate, which operates under the Chinese embassy to the United States.
Roth denied the requests for an official congratulation in uncertain terms, imitating legendary World War II general Anthony McAuliffe. “I sent them back a one-word response. I said ‘nuts.“
Roth would go on to reference the Chinese Communist Party’s sleazy attempt to seek official congratulations from the Wisconsin Legislature in a resolution designed to expressly condemn the nation’s authoritarian communist government over its coronavirus response, citing China’s repression of minorities such as the Uyghurs in addition to its suspicious and denialist response to the outbreak of coronavirus in Wuhan, China in December.
“Then a couple of days later I said that we are going to introduce a resolution, it’s just not the one that the Chinese government wants. We’re going to introduce one that speaks the truth to the lies that I believe are being told around the world, so that’s how we ended up with the resolution as it was introduced.”
U.S. officials are currently investigating the possibility that the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese government research facility, as opposed to the Wuhan Wet Food Market.