CNN Extremist Admits Mainstream Media Out of Touch With Public, Trapped in “Bubble”

Pro-censorship extremist Oliver Darcy admitted that CNN has fallen out of touch with the general public in its coverage of the omicron variant of coronavirus on Monday, speaking with network potato Brian Stelter.

Darcy, known for organizing tattletale campaigns urging Big Tech social media platforms to censor and deplatform alternative media sources, went so far as to suggest the mainstream media had become trapped in a “bubble” on its omicron coverage. The network’s content reflects the neuroses of the nation’s white-collar laptop class, who are generally presented with opportunities to work from home and avoid the work structure of the great majority of American citizens.

“A lot of the media does seem to be very out of touch with people… People are not really living in the same bubble it seems most of the media is messaging towards.”

Darcy went on to express his fear that the vital and sacred content presented by CNN wasn’t reaching the public, presenting a grave threat to democracy as Americans turn to smaller, independent news sources who lack the network’s staunch partisan bias in favor of the Democratic Party.

CNN’s ratings have plummeted into the basement since 2021, with hosts such as Stelter reduced to talking endlessly about handfuls of social media posts and simply ignoring the actual governance and policies of Democratic President Joe Biden. Media analysts have suggested Stelter’s time at the fake news network may soon meet an ignominious end, replaced with a host with greater regard for journalistic rigor and telling both sides of a story.

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