CNN Promotes Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Commander

Has Nazism suddenly come to fashion? The infamous media outlet CNN, a group of activists who are known for verifiably pushing fake news on numerous occasions, recently promoted a neo-Nazi Ukrainian commander in a recent bit.

The commander in question is Azov Major Denis Prokopenko, who hails from a gang called the Azov Battalion, which Wikipedia currently describes as a “right-wing extremist, neo-Nazi, formerly paramilitary unit of the National Guard of Ukraine.” Wikipedia also acknowledges that these neo-Nazis are not only promoted by but actively work for the Ukrainian government; they state that Azov Battalion was incorporated into the country’s National Guard in November of 2014.

CNN simply described the neo-Nazi commander as a “Ukrainian military commander who has been defending the city from the siege.”

This was not the only time the fake news outlet seemingly overlooked Prokopenko’s Neo-Nazi origin. A March 19 CNN report titled “Mariupol residents are being forced to go to Russia, city council says” quoted him simply as “Major Denis Prokopenko, from the National Guard Azov Regiment,” — no further details were given.

Some criticized CNN’s promotion of such commanders, pointing out that the same outlet would often vilify Americans who opposed their political dogma as “Nazis” and therefore deserving of contempt.

“It is just staggering that the liberal wing of the US corporate media has spent years smearing as “Nazis” all Americans who wear MAGA hats, oppose vaccine mandates, protest school curricula, etc.,” wrote American journalist Glenn Greenwald. “Then they find actual, literal, real-life Nazis in Ukraine, and celebrate them.”


A notice on Wikipedia’s article covering the neo-Nazi Battalion notably makes a few statements about potential radical changes to the pages, donning suggestions that the article may be merged or split into new topics. Given the organization’s track record of incorporating political bias into various topics (which is even acknowledged by their co-founder), Big League Politics decided to download a PDF of the current writings and upload it for the viewer in the event of lost information.

Azov Battalion – Wikipedia

Wikipedia’s Azov Special Purpose Regiment page is similarly foreshadowing a change in information, with a notice at the top stating “This article is being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia’s deletion policy.”

But don’t worry, we backed that one up too. Unlike many legacy media outlets, we here at BLP believe in keeping the reader as informed as possible.

Azov Special Purpose Regiment – Wikipedia

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