CNN’s Alisyn Camerota Thinks Kavanaugh Throwing Ice Makes Him More Likely to Rape

A CNN host of “New Day” made the case Tuesday morning for why Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged ice-throwing incident in a bar in 1985 makes it more likely that he sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford.

“I think it’s part and parcel of the entire thing,” said Alisyn Camerota. “I think that if you are known as a belligerent, mean, fighting drunk that’s relevant. I think that it’s relevant to then a woman who says that you would corner her and put your hand over her mouth, somehow that, I think, makes more sense than if you were just a fun drunk who always fell right asleep. Okay. So I think that it is relevant.”

Camerota made her comment after another panelist, John Avlon, dismissed the ice-throwing story as a “distraction.”

“The drinking sub-plot here runs into questions of credibility,” Avlon said. “Did he lie? Did he embrace the choir boy standard when in fact he was more of a frat boy? But it does seem to me to be a distraction from the larger questions of sexual assault that were raised.”

This is a far more logical and tempered analysis. But even Avlon’s remarks are irrelevant to ordinary Americans, none of whom are surprised that Kavanaugh drank beer in college.

When it comes to his professional record, Kavanaugh is indeed a choir boy, with twelve years of honorable service as a federal judge without a single ding on his record.

WATCH: (The relevant clip starts at the 6:00 minute mark)


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