CONFIRMED: Hillary Suffered ‘Mailbox Corruption’ On Her Non-Secure Email Server

Hillary Clinton Coughing United Kingdom

Hillary Clinton suffered documented “mailbox corruption” during her tenure as Secretary of State, further highlighting the ease with which foreign enemies gained access to her private email server and also her non-secure Blackberry, which she used despite her own State Department telling her not to.

The latest round of discoveries in the Judicial Watch fight to expose Clinton’s email scandal yields fruit.

A well-entrenched Washington insider sends BLP this dispatch:

“In Judicial Watch’s FOIA release today, there is lots of good information but the most important is this:

On October 15, 2012, Clinton’s IT technician Bryan Pagliano, sent to Bill Clinton’s aide Justin Cooper a bill indicating that on July 28-29, 2012, Pagliano had to address the issue of “Mailbox Corruption” of Hillary Clinton’s email server, spending a total of 5.5 hours on the problem.

This is very important because as we discussed previously (email chain below), on June 28th 2012 Hillary Clinton was in Russia and using her email to communicate with President Obama about his victory with Obama Care in the Supreme Court.  We know this because Comey admitted to it in his Congressional testimony to Congressman Ratcliffe.  So let’s put all of these facts into prospective:

June 28th 2012 – Hillary Clinton uses her personal email in communications with the President of the United States.  She emails to him at his secret/private email address. Hillary Clinton does this while in Russia which everyone in foreign intelligence knows conducts electronic gathering and surveillance of US Officials in their country.

July 28-29th 2012 – Clinton’s IT technician Bryan Pagliano conducts 5.5 hours of work on the Clinton server to deal with a “Mailbox Corruption” issue.

June 27th 2016 – The FBI and DOJ were worried about the potential damage of the Hillary Clinton communications to President Obama from her 2012 Russia trip.

June 27th 2016 in the afternoon – AG Loretta Lynch meets with former President Bill Clinton on the tarmac 4 days before Hillary Clinton is to be interviewed by the FBI.

Hillary Clinton was most definitely hacked shortly after her trip to Russia. The hackers not only got access to all her information but they also got a lead in how to hack President Obama’s secret/private email address. When the FBI was worried about this issue during their Midyear Exam investigation, AG Loretta Lynch meets secretly with former President Clinton to discuss!

The well-entrenched Washington insider’s dispatch ends

BLP reported: Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used her non-secure personal Blackberry while visiting Moscow, Russia as Secretary of State in October 2009, according to photographic evidence.

Clinton’s Blackberry device was already breached on her first official 2009 trip to East Asia, and the State Department explicitly told her not to continue using the Blackberry. But Clinton’s Blackberry has been identified in a photograph of the former Secretary of State in a subsequent trip to Russia.

Clinton’s obvious gross negligence regarding the security of her official communications complicates Robert Mueller’s unsubstantiated “Russia” case against President Donald Trump.

Here is the archived photo of Hillary Clinton from TIME, which was noticed by Jeffrey Marty of

The evidence is right here. As I wrote: “Newly released emails show that Hillary Clinton was aware of the security problems with her personal Blackberry but used the device anyway for sending and receiving emails.

Clinton’s knowledge of the Blackberry problem — and her apparent disregard for its implications — marks a crucial point in any potential criminal case that could be made against her by the Department of Justice.

To prove a violation of the Espionage Act of 1913, prosecutors must show that a person’s “gross negligence” allowed national defense information to be “lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed.”

“I’m so sorry but I’m just seeing this (no blackberry contact permitted in my office) and I’m on the way to the shuttle to NY,” Clinton said in an email to personal Clinton health adviser Mark Hyman on February 27, 2009. The email was obtained by Judicial Watch, a nonprofit transparency group that is suing the State Department.

“Tomorrow I leave for Egypt, Israel, Europe and Turkey for a week. I hope the meeting and the hearing goes well. Let me know,” Clinton added.

Clinton was referring to the fact that her Blackberry was not allowed in her seventh-floor “Mahogany Row” office at the State Department due to its security vulnerability.

But Clinton kept on using the Blackberry for classified information, at least until 2011. Her top aide, Wendy Sherman, made clear in a 2013 video that Clinton was exchanging classified emails on her Blackberry that could not have existed on a non-classified system.

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