Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene: Republicans Must Re-elect Perdue and Loeffler While Stopping the Vote Steal!

Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia is leading the fight to overturn electoral fraud while working to re-elect Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue next month’s U.S. Senate runoff election.

A grassroots revolt is underway against the Georgia Republican Party, particularly Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, due to their willingness to accept voter fraud without performing any legitimate investigation or audit. Some patriotic Republicans are so enraged that they are even planning to sit out the Georgia U.S. Senate races entirely.

Greene believes that it is possible to fight against the vote steal while keeping Democrats from taking over the U.S. Senate. She is leading both efforts, demonstrating her leadership prowess before even being sworn into Congress.

“We’re focused on multiple things in Georgia. Number one, we have our very important Senate runoff races, and it’s extremely important for every single Republican voter to get out there and vote,” she said during a recent appearance on Newsmax TV.

“But we are also very upset about our president’s election, and we are focusing on getting that right, and that is why I am leading the effort along with Mo Brooks and many of my great Republican colleagues to object to these fraudulent electoral votes for Joe Biden in multiple states,” Greene added.

In her appearance on Newsmax TV, Greene also talked about the disgraceful stimulus bill, how COVID-19 has been used by government to destroy the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution, and how the media and courts have enforced the vote steal.

“We will be presenting [the evidence] in our objection on Jan. 6. That is why I organized the meeting with President Trump in the White House with his legal team and many others, and that’s why my colleagues and I went. We were looking for real hard evidence,” she said.

“The evidence we’ll be presenting, it should be apparent to every single Republican and Democrat in Congress that this election has been stolen, and there are multiple states that cannot be certified for Joe Biden. It’s not a political party difference, it’s just a fact that this election has been wrong,” Greene added.

Greene’s entire interview on Newsmax can be viewed here:

Big League Politics has reported on Greene’s leadership on other crucial issues, such as the importance of pardoning Julian Assange and Edward Snowden for President Trump to stick it to his deep state foes:

Soon-to-be Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia is joining a movement urging President Donald Trump to pardon NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange for opposing deep state corruption…

Greene made the comment in reference to a renewed push from Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) for President Trump to pardon Snowden and Assange.

“Since you’re giving pardons to people, please consider pardoning those who, at great personal sacrifice, exposed the deception and criminality of those in the deep state,” the iconoclastic progressive lawmaker wrote in a tweet.

“Brave whistleblowers exposing lies & illegal actions in our government must be protected,” Gabbard wrote in a Twitter post accompanying a video recording earlier this year. “Join me and urge Congress: Pass my bipartisan legislation (HRes1162, HRes1175, HR8452) calling for charges against @snowden & Assange to be dropped & to reform the Espionage Act.”

…Greene is showing how the Republican Party should be shifting with Trump at the helm. Greene’s rise represents a populist, anti-establishment GOP that rejects neocon usurpers like former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX).

Congressional voices like Greene are going to have to take charge to prevent the Republican Party from being usurped by neocons and Never Trumpers intent on thwarting the America First movement in the years to come.

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