Conservative Cartel Radio ROASTS Comey For Hiding ‘CLINTON EMAILS’ Binder in Office Safe

Matt Locke took James Comey to task on The Conservative Cartel on Mojo 5-0 Radio Wednesday, after Big League Politics revealed that Comey hid a white binder marked “CLINTON EMAILS” in his office safe, which the DOJ recovered when they raided his office after Comey’s firing.

Big League Politics reported:

Former FBI director James Comey had a white binder marked “Clinton Emails” in his office on May 16, 2017, a few days after he was fired, as the Department of Justice was trying to get back the items in Comey’s office safe.

The State Department and FBI also possessed a “Datto” backup email device for Hillary Clinton’s private email server, which a judge ordered released. Michael Bekesha, who waged the Datto case for Judicial Watch, tells Big League Politics that the State Department is “still processing the FBI investigative file,” even though Datto contents were ordered released by last September.

Bekesha said it is possible that the State Department has not searched the device, which they received from Comey’s FBI, noting, “They have not yet identified the location of all the records that they reviewed and produced.”

Comey got busted by the DOJ for hiding his “Clinton Emails” binder after he got fired from the FBI, as Big League Politics exclusively reported.

The FBI officially released the DOJ’s “Inventory” Receipt for Property documents listing the stuff Comey had in his office safe.

Look below at Inventory Item #17, which originally said “TOP SECRET,” then that marking was crossed out. In its final form, it says:

‘White Binder – CLINTON EMAILS’

Here’s the scoop provided to Big League Politics by whistleblower Mark Pullen:

In the exit documents for James Comey’s departure from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a page among the documents showed Comey had a binder in his safe that contained Hillary Clinton’s emails. The document does not show what medium was used to store the emails within the binder. The binder could have had sleeved pages for CDs which could have had Clinton’s email to include the missing emails that were Bleach-Bit wiped by Paul Combetta while the server was under a subpoena order from Congress to preserve. In the FBI’s report on Clinton’s mishandling of Classified information, it has a page from then FBI agent Peter Strzok to the National Security Agency: an order to preserve any emails sent to or from We know from Edward Snowden’s disclosures that the NSA captures all email traffic within the United States. I am sure the NSA had all of Clinton’s emails even the ones she had deleted. The questions are, did Strzok take sole possession of the emails for the FBI? Were those emails in Comey’s safe the copies from the NSA? Comey said he expected a Clinton victory in the presidential election. Was Comey holding these emails as leverage over a possible future president Hillary Clinton to retain his position as the director of the FBI?”

Meanwhile, the Datto backup device was storing Clinton emails that the Clintons did not want stored, and Platte River Networks did NOT thoroughly encrypt Clinton’s emails on the server, as the Clintons demanded, according to an FBI report:

I reported in April 2018:

It turns out that fired FBI director James Comey had Hillary Clinton’s definitive backup email device the entire election and never searched it.

Thanks to the work citizen researcher Larry Kawa, the coverage of Big League Politics, the determined congressional work of Rep. Ron DeSantis, and the lawyers of Tom Fitton’s Judicial Watch, a court ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Randolph Moss orders the State Department to hand over the contents of the backup device by September 2018, right before the midterm elections.

Big League Politics exclusively learned that Hillary Clinton’s email storage company, Platte River Networks, subcontracted to a company in Connecticut called Datto, which backed up the vast majority of Clinton’s deleted emails, text messages and other electronic communications. Datto handed six disks containing information to the FBI in October 2015. One of those disks contains at least a great many of her missing emails. Comey turned the disks over to the State Department, which has been compelled to search them and release the contents.

“We don’t know what the FBI did once they had the device and the information on it. What we know is since the investigation ended in July of last year the material found on that device has been forwarded from the Justice Department to the State Department,” Michael Bekesha, a Judicial Watch senior lawyer working the case, told Big League Politics in an exclusive interview.

Rep. Ron DeSantis grilled FBI director Christopher Wray about the Datto device in a hearing, marking the only time a lawmaker has mentioned the device on the record. Wray dodged the question about why the FBI never searched the device. DeSantis is now leading the charge to hold Obama administration officials legally accountable for their actions during and after the 2016 campaign.

Here’s a commercial about how Datto backs up everything, even if, presumably, as in Clinton’s case, the emails were Bleach-Bitted and her phones were destroyed with a hammer. As we reported, Hillary Clinton also took the SIM cards out of three of her phones before she gave them to the FBI, according to FBI documents.

Judge Randolph Moss ordered the Datto device to be released by September. The case is now in the court of U.S. District Court Judge James E. Boasberg. Here is the information about the case, including the schedule for releasing the information on the devices. Judicial Watch provided this information to Big League Politics:

“The documents are part of the accelerated schedule of production ordered by U.S. District Court Judge James E. Boasberg, which requires the State Department to complete processing by September 28, 2018, the remaining documents of the 72,000 pages recovered by the FBI in its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illicit email server. These new classified and other emails appear to be among those that Clinton had attempted to delete or had otherwise failed to disclose.”


State (15-00687) now with Judge James E. “Jeb” Boasberg

FOIA lawsuit for Hillary Clinton’s emails during her tenure at the State Dep’t, records about the 55,000 emails HRC returned to the State Dep’t, and records about HRC’s use of a email address

Complaint Filed 05/06/15;

Two Requests at Issue: Non-HRC Records and HRC Records; Def’s Answer Filed 06/17/15;

Production Schedules Entered 08/03/15;

Def’s Final Production of Non-HRC Records Rec’d 02/04/16;

Def’s Final Production of HRC Records Rec’d 02/29/16;

Def’s Draft Vaughn Index (NonHRC Records Only) Rec’d 04/08/16;

Schedule for Non-HRC Records: Def’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment…

FYI – the datto docs are on disk 5. State is processing disks 5 and 7 now. All Datto docs should be released/produced by Sept 28.”

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