Cops Pull Guns on Yellow Vest Protestors who Rocked France for Sixth Weekend in a Row

The famed Yellow Vest protests rocked France for the sixth straight weekend and spread to other nations in the region, marking another victory for ordinary people fighting back against the unaccountable governing class in Europe.

In France, confrontations between protestors and police escalated, turning more violent than they have been in previous weekends. Police threatened unarmed protestors with firearms during Saturday’s clash.

“At one point a group of Yellow Vests reported to be in the famous Champs Elysees were filmed throwing road cones at police as they drove away from the scene, while police deployed tear gas as clashes broke out,” said ZeroHedge. “A French policeman drew his weapon and was forced to abandon his motorcycle as protesters threw objects.”

Ezra Levent of The Rebel posted footage of the incident.

“Macron’s cops pull out a handgun in the face of yellow vests,” he said.

Protestors reportedly set fire to a highway in the Southern town of Bilou.

Meanwhile, French newspaper Le Monde reported that French President Emmanuel Macron is becoming increasingly isolated, and cannot go out in public without being harassed:

Insults, boos, threats … When he goes out, now, it goes wrong. Since the beginning of the mobilization of “yellow vests”, for the president who loved so much walks, they have become rare (and discreet). Like the visits.

From Loudes airport, in Haute-Loire, to Puy-en-Velay, there is 10 km, a quarter of an hour by car. This December 4, to reach the prefecture burned three days earlier by the “yellow vests”, Emmanuel Macron fortunately does not need to go through the roundabout of Lachamp, in the town of Saint-Pierre-Eynac. It is there, on the RN88, that demonstrators had sewn a puppet of human size, placed on a scaffold more real than nature. On the block was written: “To guillotine is our project. “

The protests have also spread to other nations, including Lebanon, Canada, Israel, Belgium, Ireland and Portugal.

“today in Bonnyville [Alberta, Canada] , yellow vests waiting for the trucks to come,” said Sheila Gunn Reid on Twitter.

Hundreds of Israeli ‘Yellow Vests’ protest high cost of living,” said PressTV. 

“RAW: Beligian #YellowVests scuffle with police,” said Russia Today. 

A Twitter user called Tiger Reborn posted a video of Yellow Vests dancing in solidarity with their French counterparts.

The mainstream press once again downplayed the protests amid reports of censorship of the events by French media.

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