Corey Stewart Calls on Federal Authorities to Arrest Sheriff Kincaid
Virginia GOP candidate for Senate is calling for the arrest of a Sheriff who is endangering the residents of her county.
“I’ve called on federal authorities to arrest any municipal official assisting criminal illegal aliens by offering them safe harbor in their jurisdictions, and that includes Fairfax County,” Stewart said. “So I’m calling for the arrest of Sheriff Stacey Kincaid.”
In January, Sheriff Stacey A. Kincaid of Fairfax County, VA, terminated an agreement held between Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the county which kept illegal alien inmates in jail beyond the end of their criminal sentences.
Stewart made his comments at a rally advocating for the expansion of local cooperation with ICE officials through the 287(g) program.
The program is one of ICE’s top partnership initiatives that allows state and local law enforcement entities to enter into a partnership with ICE in order to receive delegated authority for immigration enforcement within their jurisdictions.
ICE agents are unhappy with Kincaid’s decision.
“This is America, and you’re censoring a federal law enforcement agency and a partner?” said Barbara M. Gonzalez, the assistant director of an ICE office created by the Trump administration to help victims of crimes committed by illegals.
The holding period was used by ICE to re-arrest and conduct deportations before criminal illegals were set free to roam the streets again.
During what has become a heated debate on illegal immigration across the nation, Stewart has been stalwart in his opposition to illegal immigration and sanctuary, mirroring candidate-Trump’s rhetoric of a “zero-tolerance” policy.
“Our immigration policy should put American workers first: the citizens who make this country run, who go to work, pay their taxes, and follow the law,” Stewart said. “Illegal immigration and out of control chain migration hurts American workers.
“It is time our immigration policies served the interests of American workers and the American economy first,” Stewart said.
Stewart led a pro 287(g) rally in Culpeper, VA on Saturday.
“Ten years ago in Prince William County, we led the nation in putting in place 287(g) authority,” Stewart said. “We had all kinds of protests. We had thousands of people who came, they hanged me in effigy, and we were there for 12 hours a night when we were voting to implement the 287(g) authority.”
“It was the absolute best thing we ever did in Prince William County,” Stewart said. “In the ten years since it has been in place, we have handed over to ICE more than 8,000 criminal illegal aliens.”
Stewart said that after implementing the policy the crime rate in the county dropped 48.7% in two years.
“It saved lives,” he said. “It was the right thing to do.”
Stewart continues to most effective voice in thwarting illegal immigration in the Virginia Senate race.
In March, Stewart’s primary opponent, Nick Freitas, had to backtrack on his immigration stance after Big League Politics ran a story about his plans not to enforce federal immigration law.
“This is not a state;s rights issue, folks. The Constitution makes it very clear that when it comes to enforcing the border, and when it comes to enforcing the nation’s immigration laws, federal law preempts any local or state sanctuary city law.”