Corporate CEOs Urge Congress to Certify Voter Fraud, Rubber Stamp Electoral College Results for Biden
Over 200 corporate chieftains have signed on to an op/ed in the globalist faux-conservative Wall Street Journal to urge Congress to certify election fraud on Wednesday.
“Attempts to thwart or delay this process run counter to the essential tenets of our democracy,” the letter said. “Our duly elected leaders deserve the respect and bipartisan support of all Americans at a moment when we are dealing with the worst health and economic crises in modern history.”
The letter was sent by the non-profit Partnership for New York City, an organization that represents the super rich elite of Wall Street. It is clear that corporate America has fully sold out to China.
Signatories to the letter include high-level executives from BlackRock, Deloitte, Pfizer, JetBlue, Mastercard, Moody’s Corporation, Macy’s, Lyft, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Etsy, the National Basketball Association, and Zagat. This is an impressive coalition of corporations that are in full support of the vote steal coup against the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Big League Politics has reported on how the decadent corporate elite hates economic nationalism, which was explained brilliantly by Fox News host Tucker Carlson:
Primetime Fox News host and populist commentator Tucker Carlson savaged the conservative establishment in a groundbreaking speech at last week’s National Conservatism Conference in DC.
Carlson took a torch to the conventional ‘free-market’ wisdom espoused by Republicans for decades at the conference, which was put on by “Virtue of Nationalism” author Yarom Hazony.
In the hour long speech, Tucker questioned the virtues of a socio-economic system in which big businesses take in massive annual profits, but average working-class Americans of all demographics find it increasingly harder to afford raising families and becoming homeowners, elements of American life taken for granted by previous generations.
Tucker made it clear that the primary threat to conservative Americans no longer primarily comes from ‘big government,’ but private companies under the domination of corrupt oligarchs like George Soros, the Koch brothers, and Mark Zuckerberg.
“The main threat… to your ability to live your life as you choose does not come from the government anymore, but comes from the private sector.”
“It should bother people on the right,” Tucker remarked about unchecked corporate power. “But it doesn’t… Because again, their minds are captive to an antiquated way of looking at the world. The ‘build-your-own-Google way.’”
Monolithic corporations are slaves to the dollar bill, and they see China as the most important market these days. This is why they support the vote steal and want to get back to the pre-Trump status quo.