Cory Booker Gives Divisive Speech Accusing Others of Being Divisive

Cory Booker gave a very divisive speech Saturday accusing other people — presumably President Donald Trump’s supporters — of divisiveness. Booker held his first campaign rally in Newark, where he previously served as mayor but which still suffers from devastating poverty and crime.
Booker’s hypocrisy was not lost on MAGA Nation.
Democrat presidential candidate Cory Booker said during a popular podcast that America is no longer the “top country” for people to be born into.
During an appearance on Nick Hanauer and David Goldstein’s “Pitchfork Economics” podcast released earlier today, Booker said that America was no longer “the top country” for “poor people” to be born into, and said this has changed drastically in his lifetime.
Booker started by saying that in his father’s day, “If you were going to pick a country to be born in, the United States would be at the top of your list.”
“But now if you’re gonna be born poor on the planet Earth, the United States of America is not going to be that necessarily.”
He expanded that if getting out of poverty is “your only metric, this is not necessarily the top country if you’re going to be born poor to get out.”
Booker apparently has multiple bones to pick with the United States, in spite of his presidential aspirations. Last week he blamed the political right for the Jussie Smollett hoax while ranting about “right wing terrorism,” and prior to that he told a vegan news website that the planet could simply not sustain the American diet, and that eating eggs was spiritually unhealthy.
However, in spite of his sharp and somewhat unfounded criticisms of the United States, Booker found it important to inform voters that he is, in fact, heterosexual.Going a step further, the Democrat presidential candidate found a politically convenient girlfriend for the current election cycle.