Cory Booker Prioritizes Racism Over Rape Allegation In Virginia Politics

Cory Booker Rape More Important Than Rape

Democrat presidential candidate Cory Booker suggested today that Virginian voters should ignore the sexual assault allegation against Democrat Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax and instead focus solely on Democrat Governor Ralph Northam’s racist yearbook photos uncovered by Big League Politics.

The allegations against Fairfax have taken full stage this week as Vanessa Tyson, a Fellow and Professor for Stanford University, alleged that Fairfax sexually assaulted her during the Democratic National Convention in 2004. The day after BLP broke the story, Fairfax admitted the sexual harassment allegation existed, and Tyson explained why and how she came forward now.

When questioned by a CBS News journalist, Booker suggested journalists ignore these sexual assault allegations and continue their calls for Northam to resign due to the racist yearbook photo showing one student in blackface posing next to another in Ku Klux Klan robes, uncovered by Big League Politics last Friday.

Booker suggested Democrats focus “on what’s right now happening with the governor,” and said his focus is “on again calling for the governor to step down.”

In other words, in Booker’s mind, allegations of racism are more serious than allegations of rape.

This is quite ironic considering Booker slammed President Donald Trump and Republicans for refusing to believe female accusers of sexual assault last October when speaking to Iowa Democrats.

The Hill reported:

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) fired up a group of Iowa Democrats hours after new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in, urging those who feel angry to “stay faithful.”

Booker, a potential 2020 presidential contender, tore into President Trump at a fundraiser for Iowa Democrats on Saturday night, The Des Moines Register reported.

“We’re not defined by a president who does not believe women,” he told the crowd.

Booker made national headlines as a staunch opponent to Kavanaugh. Thousands watched as the Senate Judiciary Committee, which Booker serves on, grilled both Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

Apparently it is only important to believe women when it comes to sexual assault allegations if doing so does not preclude focusing entirely on racism and race-based politics.

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