COVER-UP: Prosecutors Confirm That Surveillance Video of Jeffrey Epstein’s Cell Was Destroyed

Prosecutors in the case of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein have confirmed that the correctional facility housing Epstein destroyed the surveillance footage of his cell while he allegedly attempted suicide days before he was found dead.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Maurene Comey and Jason Swergold filed the letter in Manhattan Federal Court confirming that footage from the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) on July 22 and 23 was mysteriously destroyed, in the latest revelation that casts doubt on the official story.

“As set forth in greater detail, the Government has learned that the MCC inadvertently preserved video from the wrong tier within the MCC, and, as a result, video from outside the defendant’s cell on July 22 – 23, 2019 (i.e. the requested video) no longer exists,” the letter explains.

Swergold had previously made the same claim that the footage was destroyed in White Plains Federal Court last month, but recanted just 24 hours later. Now, it is has been revealed that he was initially telling the truth. The key footage has been destroyed, as the Epstein case unravels to reveal a cover-up of historic proportions.

“The footage contained on the preserved video was for the correct date and time, but captured a different tier than the one where Cell-1 was located because the preserved video did not show corrections officers responding to any of the cells seen on the video. After speaking with MCC legal counsel, the Government was informed that the MCC computer system listed a different, incorrect cell for Tartaglione,” prosecutors wrote in the letter, referring to Epstein’s cell mate Nick Tartaglione, an accused quadruple murderer.

Furthermore, the backup systems for the video footage conveniently failed as well.

“The requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors,” the prosecutors wrote.

Tartaglione lawyer Bruce Barket requested for the MCC to save the footage, as he claimed it showed his client acting “admirably” and possibly saving Epstein’s life. He is appalled at the negligence that was demonstrated by MCC officials in the destruction of the video.

“It is stunning that a video which we asked to be preserved and which the jail should have saved without a request was destroyed. More troubling are the various and inconsistent accounts of what happened to the video. We believe that the video would have strongly corroborated our client’s assertion that he acted appropriately that evening and are deeply disturbed it has disappeared,” Barket wrote in a text message.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of foul-play, Attorney General Bill Barr insists that Epstein did in fact kill himself. The Trump administration is effectively pushing the official story of suicide to the masses even as facts continue to emerge disputing that Epstein killed himself.

“I can understand people who immediately, whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario because it was a perfect storm of screw-ups,” Barr said to the Associated Press last year.

“I think it was important to have a roommate in there with him and we’re looking into why that wasn’t done, and I think every indication is that was a screw-up,” he added. “The systems to assure that was done were not followed.”

With the Department of Justice toeing the line, it is very unlikely that the truth about Epstein’s death will ever be known. Many secrets have died with Epstein, and the powerful Democrat elites who he serviced in his child sex trafficking network will likely avoid repercussions for their dastardly actions.

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