Covid Comeback? Philadelphia Indoor Mask Mandate: Rising Omicron BA.2 Cases

Philadelphia has announced that it will be reinstating its indoor mask mandate, as the number of omicron BA.2 cases in the city continue to allegedly rise.

This was the announcement from the official Philadelphia Public Health Twitter account:

“Due to increasing COVID-19 cases, [Philadelphia] will move to Level 2: Mask Precautions beginning today. In order to provide a one-week education period for businesses, masks will be required in all indoor public spaces as of Monday, April 18, 2022,” the department said via Twitter.

“Starting April 18, masks will be required in all indoor public spaces, including schools and childcare settings, businesses, restaurants, and government buildings. At that time, residents will be asked to report any business not complying with the mandate to [Philly311],” the statement continued.

Furthermore, “The mask mandate is tied to the COVID Response Levels, and as COVID cases rise in Philly, we want to protect our most vulnerable residents. Wearing a mask around others is an easy way to do that. The sooner that we can stop this wave, the sooner we can get back to Level 1.”

According to their website, the city of Philadelphia has four COVID-19 response levels; all clear, mask precautions, caution, and extreme caution.

The city is considering this sudden rise in omicron BA.2 cases as a “mask precaution” response level. Also known as tier 2. Which requires everyone to wear a mask when indoors and in public places.

Notably, the “caution” and “extreme caution” levels, tiers 3 and 4, require people to “present [their] vaccine cards or exemption or a negative test within 24 hours to dine indoors.”

The city has said that it will move into these upper tiers if new cases hit between 225 and 500 per day. People of Philadelphia, do you see where this is going?

Philadelphia appears to be the first major city to reimpose an indoor mask mandate after states and local governments across the country lifted them earlier this year.

On Monday, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney tweeted, “Our city remains open; we can still go about our daily lives and visit the people and places we love while masking in indoor public spaces.”

Many Americans recall President Biden touting the end of masks and mandates during his SOTU address, saying “Most Americans in most of the country can now be mask free. And based on the projections, more of the country will reach that point across the next couple of weeks.”

Biden added, “thanks to the progress we have made this past year, COVID-19 need no longer control our lives.”

Will the people of Philadelphia give up their rights yet again for even more never-ending mandates? Or will they finally wake up to say enough is enough?

It’s only a matter of time before other democrat run states follow suit.

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