Creepy Porn Lawyer, No More: Stormy Daniels Dumps Disgraced Michael Avenatti

It’s been a rough fall from grace for anti-Trump attorney Michael Avenatti. The man who once had delusions of grandeur that he unseat President Trump in 2020 has been embroiled in scandal for months, and now even porn star Stormy Daniels is leaving him high and dry.

Daniels dumped Avenatti as her legal counsel today:

While keeping it classy (for him), Avenatti claims that it is actually he who ditched Daniels in a brief statement posted on Twitter today.

The two have had a very close relationship over the past several years waging a crusade against Trump. Daniels provided Avenatti with lawyer fees as well as other forms of relief while their legal relationship persisted, but those days are over. While Avenatti tries to save face, his entire life seems to be falling apart after biting off more than he could chew taking on Trump.

According to a Los Angeles Times report, Avenatti is being accused of serious fraud. Jason Frank, who used to work as a lawyer at the Eagan Avenatti law firm, accused Avenatti of illegally hiding millions of dollars from the court during prior bankruptcy proceedings. Avenatti’s firm filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this month for the second time in two years.

When asked about his business problems, Avenatti responded with his usual extreme arrogance and condescension: “Who cares? Old firm that we have not operated under for a very long time. We want to ensure the proper distribution of assets to creditors — it means nothing to our current law practice. Onward and upward.”

To make matters even worse for the California-based lawyer, Avenatti was accused of domestic violence last year after staking himself out as a champion of the #MeToo movement. As usual, he denies all responsibility for what allegedly took place and claims the incident happened.

Ultimately, the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office decided not to press charges against Avenatti but has left the case open pending further evidence.

“This matter has been set for City Attorney Hearings in which both the victim and the suspect will have an opportunity to be heard on different days. The victim will be advised of services available to her. The suspect will be informed that although we decline to file charges at this time, this matter remains open and we may file charges at any time prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations,” a spokesman for the City Attorney’s office said.

Whether Avenatti is a violent abuser or merely a seedy disreputable attorney, it is clear his 15 minutes of fame are about finished. This may be bad news for Republicans, who benefited every time this fool was able to commandeer a media platform.

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