CRISIS: Muslim Migrants in Germany Sexually Assaulting Women in Cemeteries

As a result of the importation of migrant form Muslim majority countries, Germany has continued to experience an increase in sexual violence against women.
Germany has been fundamentally transformed by Islamic migrants who have shown time after time their blatant disregard for the rule of the land, and their refusal to assimilate into civilized European culture, as many German women who leave their homes alone are beginning to find out.
There have been a string of sexual assaults taking place against women by Muslim migrants at the cemetery. On Saturday, a 61-year-old woman was sexually assaulted in Hanau by a man who forcibly grabbed her butt and proceeded to masturbate in front of her.
Despite the fact that the increased sexual assaults have been attributed to the importation of Islamic migrants, police in Germany remain naïve in telling women how to protect themselves and prevent assault, telling women to “say No” and “Call the police”. However, saying no isn’t going to work when dealing with a group of people who come from countries where it is acceptable for men to sexually assault and abuse women. Countries where women are treated as second class citizens and denied the most basic human rights.
No longer is it safe for women in Germany to attend music festivals and holiday celebrations with their friends, but it is no longer safe for women in Germany to visit their deceased loved ones at the cemetery alone. Under German Chancellor Angela Merkel, German culture and society is deteriorating and women have become increasingly more unsafe
While serving as Chancellor, Merkel has imported over 1.5 million Muslim migrants into Germany. Among the migrants Merkel has welcomed to Germany, several of them have carried out attacks of sexual assault against German women. On New Years Eve in 2015, the world watched in horror as women were surrounded by groups of migrant men in Germany in acts of mass sexual assault. During the 2015 New Years Eve celebrations in Germany, nearly 1,200 women were victims of sexual assault throughout various German cities.
Prosecutors later determined that an estimated 2,000 men, most of who were Muslim migrants who had recently arrived in Germany, carried out the attacks. The migrant crisis and war on women that is being carried out by Muslim men in Germany is of such great concern, that in 2017, police in Berlin set up “safe zones” for women at New Years Eve celebrations where women could be retreat if they were victims of sexual assault.
Here are several more cases of Muslim migrants sexually assaulting women at cemeteries in Germany.
-In February this year, a woman was raped several times in a cemetery in Bochum
-In February, an African brutally raped a 65-year-old elderly woman in a cemetery in Viersen
-In April a 12-year-old girl was raped by an ‘Asian man’ in a cemetery in Essen
-In June a woman was attacked by a man in a cemetery in Wuppertal