CRYBABIES: NBA Stars Lebron James and Kahwi Leonard Want to End Playoffs in Anti-Cop Protest

The pampered, privileged, China-owned millionaires of the National Basketball Association (NBA) may cancel their entire playoff season due to police hatred, and the league’s biggest names are reportedly leading the charge.
LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers and Kawhi Leonard of the Los Angeles Clippers are “adamant” about cancelling the entire season after alleged sex offender Jacob Blake was shot several times while resisting law enforcement and lunging for a weapon in his vehicle.
Although the majority of the teams reportedly voted to continue the playoffs as scheduled, James and Leonard – arguably the league’s two biggest stars – are demanding that their opinion take precedence over the majority.
Sources: Lakers forward LeBron James and Clippers forward Kawhi Leonard both spoke up in the players meeting Wednesday night and were adamant about not playing the rest of the playoffs and they wanted change. The players will have another meeting at 11 am East time Thursday.
— Brad Turner (@BA_Turner) August 27, 2020
Kurt Helin of NBC Sports believes that James and Leonard may be using their leverage as superstars to strongarm NBA owners into forking more money over to leftist, anti-white causes such as Black Lives Matter.
“We know what LeBron James and Kawhi Leonard want. LeBron has wanted to see action on social justice issues, that’s why he started “More Than a Vote” with other athletes, to put money and effort towards getting out the vote and combating voter suppression tactics,” Helin wrote.
“In the wake of the shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin, which shook the NBA bubble, LeBron, Leonard, and many other players want to see owners putting their money and political clout toward the issues they care about, such as police reform,” he added.
Big League Politics has reported on how James has attempted to fashion himself as a revolutionary leader, but lacks the mental fortitude to do so.
NBA superstar and Chinese-owned pawn LeBron James made a fool of himself yet again when he stuttered and stammered about a black power book he was holding at a recent press conference.
James was holding “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” a book about the Islamic black separatist leader when reporter Taylor Rooks asked him about “his biggest takeaway” from the book.
This is when James looked like a deer in the headlines and exposed himself as a phony and an ignoramus.
“Um…I kind of just started a couple days ago,” James said. “Um…But um…I’ve read a lot of notes over the years. This is my first time actually reading this from start to finish.”
James responded as if he was just called out by his school teacher to give a report in front of class on a book he clearly has never read.
“It’s just a very, um, a very smart man,” the inarticulate ball-thrower said. “A very very very smart man, and basically, um, his words in the 60s, and, uh, what’s going on. What’s actually going on today still.”
James struggled to put together a coherent thought when put on the spot without a script to read from his Chinese masters.
“Things is going to be thrown at us where they try to weaken us, um, they try to make us feel like we’re not kings and queens,” he said. “And it’s going to come from different races and different such shapes and sizes and things of that nature.”