Democrat Judge In Alex Jones Case Subversively Coached Parents To Give Up Their Kids To CPS
District Judge Maya Guerra Gamble, an Austin, Texas-based Democrat best known for helping out Planned Parenthood, has been involved in the extremely corrupt Child Protective Services (CPS) system as both a judge and a lawyer representing children and families in CPS cases. Maya Guerra Gamble is now presiding over a defamation witch hunt against Infowars legend Alex Jones. Gamble has served on the board of a court-appointed lawyers committee called the Court Appointed Family Advocates Board, which could certainly open her up to criticisms from parents who regard court-appointed lawyers as hopelessly corrupt and ineffective cogs in the CPS human trafficking machine. I recently exposed the criminal dark side of the system in my documentary Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking, which can be viewed by clicking this link.
Records reveal that Maya Guerra Gamble crafted a subversive CPS “Parent Resource Guide,” which celebrated social workers as good people, encouraged parents to willingly give up their children, advised parents that their kids could be lying if they claim that they are being abused in foster care, and told parents not to meddle with their kids’ lawyers.
As an attorney, Maya Guerra Gamble was part of the Parent Resource Guide Workgroup that crafted a “Parent Resource Guide,” ostensibly to help parents navigate the CPS system in the state of Texas. The project was done for the Supreme Court of Texas Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth, and Families, and Gamble served on the Workgroup alongside Texas CPS officials. The book states: “The Supreme Court of Texas Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth and Families would like to acknowledge the contributions of the Parent Resource Guide Workgroup. Their advice and guidance throughout the life of the project proved invaluable.”
Here is the link to the document (Maya is listed as part of the team in the opening Acknowledgments) :
The handbook is terrible, and includes numerous cases of terrible advice, as well as anonymous quotes from parents about how they were supposedly incapable of raising their children. Quotes from the handbook are featured below (We have bolded the segments that are especially concerning and subversive):
“CPS must give you the chance to see your child within five days of taking custody. Your CPS caseworker should work with you to create a visitation schedule. However, your right to visit with your child can be limited if the court does not think it is in your child’s best interest to visit with you or if visitation would conflict with another court order” (p. 16)
“Certain people, such as teachers, doctors, nurses, or child daycare workers, even lawyers involved in your case, are required to make a report within 48 hours of suspecting that a child is being abused or neglected. If they fail to make a report, they can be charged with a misdemeanor criminal offense. So, in many cases, even if a person is not sure whether you abused or neglected your child, he or she is still required to call CPS about it. In most cases, you will not be able to find out who made the report. By law, CPS keeps that information confidential. This is so people aren’t afraid to report abuse and neglect because the person they reported might get mad and try to get back at them.” (p. 21)
“As a parent, you are generally allowed to raise your child in the way you see fit. Our Constitution protects your rights to make most decisions for your child. However, children have rights, too, including the right not to be abused or neglected. So when a child is abused or neglected, the State is allowed – and expected – to take steps to protect the child. This can include removing a child from his or her home. CPS will usually get a court order from a judge before removing your child, but in very serious cases of abuse or neglect, the State can take your child from your home without first asking for a judge’s permission.” (23)
“Every child involved in a CPS case is appointed a lawyer. Your child’s lawyer has a duty of confidentiality to your child, just like your lawyer has a duty of confidentiality to you. In other words, your child can tell her lawyer things in secret, and the lawyer must keep those things a secret unless the child says it is OK to share them. It can be hard to understand why your child’s lawyer is allowed to know things that you do not know. However, that is how the attorney-client relationship works and it is important that your child be able to trust her lawyer. Your child’s lawyer’s job is to represent what your child wants. It is important for your child to have a voice because her life is being affected just as much as yours. Remember that it is not appropriate to ask your child’s lawyer to tell you things your child has said or to get angry at your child’s lawyer if she says things in court that you don’t agree with. It is also not appropriate to get mad at your child for sharing his feelings with his lawyer (32)”
“CPS does not have to give you any notice before coming to your home. An investigator or caseworker can show up at your door any time of day” (41)
“You are not the only person who can consent to CPS entering your home! Any other adult living in the home can consent, and even a child can consent if the caseworker decides the child is old enough to make that decision” (41)
“In deciding whether to allow CPS into your house, take time to think through the possible outcomes before saying ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ YES. If you say ‘yes,’ the investigator will appreciate that you are cooperating. Also, it could be helpful to show CPS that your home is safe. On the other hand, if CPS finds anything in your house that could be a safety threat, it may be used as a reason to remove your child. Before answering, think about what CPS will see if they walk into your house and start looking around. NO. If you say ‘no,’ the CPS caseworker may think you are trying to be difficult and could hold it against you. And even if you say ‘no,’ CPS may be able to get into your home anyway. One option is for CPS to ask a judge for a court order allowing them into your house. Another option is that the CPS investigator may believe your child is in such a dangerous situation that she must be removed immediately. This is called “exigent circumstances” and is only used when CPS believes the danger to be so great that there is not enough time to get a court order. In this case, a CPS caseworker can come into your house without your permission, but only to remove your child.” (42)
“In most investigations, CPS can drive your child to a doctor’s office or some other place only if you consent or if a judge signs a court order permitting the transport. However, if CPS believes that your child has been abused and may be abused again when she gets home from school, then CPS can pick your child up from school and drive her to a child advocacy center or doctor’s office or other location without your permission for an interview, an examination, or both. If CPS transports your child, they have to try to give you notice . Most of the time, they will give you notice by talking to you in person or on the phone . But if you cannot be reached, CPS may leave you a phone message or a note. In most cases, CPS will tell you where it took your child . But if CPS thinks your child will be in even more danger if you find out where she is, it has the right not to tell you where your child is.” (p 50)
“Removals can happen at school, daycare, or a hospital when you are not there. It is also possible that your child could be removed from your house or apartment when you are not home. In these cases, you will not get to say “goodbye” because you will not know about the removal until after it happens. If you can be located, a CPS caseworker will find you and explain what happened and why your child was removed. Sometimes a removal happens while you are with your child – at your home, at a CPS office or even a police station. In these cases, usually you will be able to say “goodbye.” If the removal happens at home, you may be able to help your child pack a few things. Keep in mind, however, that if you get angry and start fighting or yelling you may not be allowed to say “goodbye” or help pack” (p 55)
“If CPS believes that your child is in immediate danger, the removal may happen quickly and without warning. This will be scary for both you and your child. It is important to remember that in these cases nothing you say or do will stop what is happening, but how you act at that moment can have a big impact on how your child feels about what is happening.” (55)
“You may want to try to hold on to your child and keep CPS from taking her, but this will only make things worse. You may also want to fight or yell at the CPS workers, but that will only upset your child more. You should never assault or get violent with a CPS caseworker or any law enforcement officer involved in the removal of your child because that can result in you going to jail and facing prosecution. This will only make getting your child returned to your care more difficult. If you can remain calm, hopefully your child will be less scared and CPS will appreciate your cooperation” (55-56)
“It is best for you and your child if these emotional situations can be avoided. That is why if you know your child will be removed you should do your best to prepare her for it. Try telling her that she needs to live with someone else for a little while so you can have some time to work on being the best parent you can be” (p 56)
“Removal is hard for almost any child. Many children may cry but others become quiet and withdrawn. The children may feel like they have done something wrong and are being punished. They may also wonder what has happened to you and worry about whether you are safe.Children often have a lot of questions after they are removed. You should be prepared to answer these questions truthfully. Try not to offer false hope like telling your child she will get to come home soon (unless you know this is true). It may take a long time before your child can come home, if at all. If you are not sure how to answer a question your child asks, it’s ok to tell them you do not know the answer, but that you will talk to your caseworker or your lawyer and find out.” (p 60)
“WHAT CAN I DO IF MY CHILD TELLS ME SHE IS SCARED OR IS BEING HURT AT HER FOSTER HOME? If your child makes any report of abuse or neglect, you should immediately tell your lawyer, the CPS caseworker, and your child’s lawyer and GAL. Your lawyer, your caseworker and your child’s lawyer and any GAL are required by law to report abuse or neglect of any child, including yours. If your child is in immediate danger, you should call the police. It is important to remember, though, that your child may really just be feeling unhappy or lonely. This is normal. Listen to your child’s concerns and help her to think up ways to feel better. Your caseworker may be able to offer good advice about ways you can help your child.” (61)
“If your case goes to trial, your caseworker will be the person telling the judge why your parental rights should be terminated. For all of these reasons, it is VERY important to have a good relationship with your caseworker.
CPS caseworkers are good people with caring hearts. They care a lot about the work they do and have chosen their job for this reason. Caseworkers are also very busy and have lots of cases just like yours that they must pay attention to, and like everyone, caseworkers sometimes make mistakes. (p 89).”
(The handbook excerpts end)
Disturbing stuff!