Democrats (Including Racist Ralph) Use Left Wing Polling Firm to Justify Gun Control in Virginia

A gun control group claims that voters in certain Republican-controlled legislative districts “are widely in support of common-sense gun reforms” during a special session which will tackle gun control next month.
Gun control group Brady United employed the services of the Charlotte, North Carolina based polling firm Public Policy Polling. PPP polled 902 Virginians in key legislative districts about various gun control measures.
The districts polled consisted of Speaker of the House Kirk Cox of Colonial Heights, Senator Tommy Norment of James City County and Senator Bill DeSteph of Virginia Beach. Virginia Beach’s Senate District 7 was also polled, which Republican Senator Frank Wagner previously held. Wagner did not decide to run for re-election.
The first question, which asked about bans on so-called “assault weapons”, revealed that 62 percent supported such a ban, 34 percent opposed it, and 4 percent were unsure.
Additionally, the poll also found that 63 percent of respondents, which included half of gun owners surveyed, backed bans on magazines holding more than 10 rounds.
Brady’s poll also found that 83 percent of people who responded —including 73 percent of people who voted for President Trump in 2016— are also behind the idea of “red flag” gun confiscation orders that allow someone to petition a judge to seize someone’s guns simply if they’re perceived as a threat to themselves or others.
“We have an epidemic of gun violence in Virginia, and regardless of party or political beliefs, voters want to see their elected officials take action, not sides,” Brady President Kris Brown declared in a statement.
The gun control leader added, “When the special session convenes on July 9, Speaker Cox and Leader Norment have a choice – will they stand with their own communities and pass extreme risk laws and assault weapon bans into law? Or will they shun their own voters and retreat to the embrace of the gun lobby?”
In the era of Trump, polls should be taken with a grain of salt.
Governor Northam is hell-bent on joining the rest of his Democratic colleagues in making Virginia a safe haven for gun control. It stands to reason that he will use whatever polling information he can find to trick Republicans into supporting gun control.
Interestingly, the Virginia Beach shooter acquired his firearm legally. In other words, he had to go through a federal background check like any law-abiding gun owner would have to do in America. Even with federal gun control in place, a deranged lunatic was able to wreak havoc in Virginia Beach.
The gun control that Northam desires would have done nothing to deter the murderer.