Democrats Scheme For More Tax Payer Funded Abortions To End Shutdown

Democrats in the House seek to expand tax funded abortions via the new spending bill in an attempt to end the partial government shutdown.
This new addition, known as The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019, would repeal the provisional ban of non-governmental agencies from providing abortion as a form of family planning overseas.
“Known in the past as the Mexico City Policy, the provision is now known as the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy, and was instituted by President Donald Trump shortly after his inauguration in January 2017. Abortion rights advocates simply refer to the provision as the “global gag rule”, according to Breitbart. The policy reinstated by President Trump, pulls US funding from any overseas abortion procedures – thus pulling money from International Planned Parenthood.
Nancy Pelosi and House Dems are wasting no time in forcing the abortion agenda as the vote is set for today, the first day of the new Congress.
The Washington Examiner states that, “The bill also would increase funding by $5 million for the United Nations Population Fund, to $37.5 million. Anti-abortion organizations oppose the program because they say it participates in coercive abortions and involuntary sterilizations.” Trump previously cut $32.5 million in funding from UNPF of which the US was its fourth largest donor.
Many pro-life groups are expressing their plead to Congress not to pass this bill:
“President Trump and his administration have taken a bold stand for life by stopping billions of dollars in foreign aid from being used to push abortion overseas. The House’s spending bill would repeal this successful pro-life policy, making taxpayers complicit in the exportation of abortion and destruction of countless unborn children around the world. This is unconscionable and we oppose the bill in the strongest terms”, according to Susan B. Anthony List.
Kristen Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, asked both parties to “reject new funding for abortion in the U.S. budget that would pay for abortions worldwide and to reject any new funding for abortion here at home.”
Instead of funding the wall to protect our boards, House Dems would rather the US fund world-wide abortions.