Denmark Offers a Lesson to the U.S. on Immigration

Can the U.S. learn a lesson from the Danish experience?

Although Denmark is renowned for its generous welfare state, its migration politics tend to be quite restrictive.

In fact, the Danish Social Democratic Party, has been one of the strongest proponents of restricted migration and stronger assimilation standards for migrants in recent years. When juxtaposed to its Western European social democratic counterparts, Denmark is considerably to their Right on immigration.

Earlier this week, the Danish government announced that it will establish a plan to cap the number of “non-Western” migrants in neighborhoods to 30%. According to Summit News, the Danes are pursuing these measures in order to “reduce the risk of religious and cultural parallel societies.”

This new policy will be carried out in the next 10 years and is part of a pragmatic strategy to generate social cohesion and prevent multiculturalism from undermining the state’s ability to function properly. 

Danish Interior Minister Kaare Dybvad Bek claims that there are far too many non-Western residents in certain areas of the country, thus turning them into ghettos.

Paul Joseph Watson of Summit News, observed that “of Denmark’s 11.8 million inhabitants, around 11 per cent are of foreign origin, of whom 58 per cent are from non-western countries.”

Denmark recently made headlines for being the first European country to tell Syrian migrants to head back to their country because of how it’s no longer as unstable as years past.

“We have made it clear to the Syrian refugees that their residence permit is temporary. It can be withdrawn if protection is no longer needed,” stated Mattias Tesfaye, Denmark’s immigration minister.

In a previous report, Summit News highlighted Tesfaye’s admission that Denmark’s integration policies turned out to be a “disaster” following the revelation that only 17% of Syrian women join the workforce following their move to the country. 

According to a 2019 peer reviewed study by Danish academics, ethnic diversity negatively affects communities because of how it diminishes social trust.

Mass migration to the West has revealed similar patterns of disruption of social cohesion, economic displacement, and a strengthening of leftist parties .

Oftentimes, inspiration for reforms come from the least likely of places. While the U.S. cannot fully replicate this Danish proposal, it can move itself in the right direction by making efforts to pass an immigration moratorium.

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