DISHONEST? The Guardian Edited Out Ahmaud Arbery Threat from 2017 Police Confrontation Video

A new cut of a video in which Glynn County police confront Ahmaud Arbery in a public park reveals that the original footage was edited in a suspicious fashion by the Guardian, who originally obtained the footage of the event from the

In the unedited version of the film released by Glynn County, Arbery behaves in a more threatening and abrasive fashion, including telling a police officer that, Bitch, you hit me with that shit, bitch, you gone be fucked up.

Watch the full unedited footage of the confrontation here. The interaction in question begins at 2.52.

The release of the footage by the Guardian appears to have intentionally edited out Arbery’s statement. An officer would go on to attempt to use a taser on Arbery during the heated confrontation.

Arbery was shot in killed in a confrontation with two other Georgia men in February, an event that has ignited a national racial controversy. Travis and Gregory McMichael have been charged with first degree murder in Arbery’s death, although the father and son maintain they were acting lawfully in self defense.

The footage of the 2017 police interaction is by no means definitive of the nature of the event that cost Arbery his life. But the selective edit from the Guardian does suggest that the mainstream media is willing to place a handicap on the narrative pushed by progressive protestors in the aftermath of the incident, even if it comes at the cost of an even-handed and nuanced analysis of the evidence.

Progressive activists have also targeted investigators and researchers who have published the video, hoping to obscure any presentation of supplementary evidence that could possibly be used by the defense in the tentative first-degree murder trial of the McMichaels.

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