Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Hits All Time High in Fox News Poll

President Donald Trump’s approval rating has hit an all time high in a Fox News poll released Thursday, suggesting the President has united new demographics of Americans behind his leadership during the Chinese coronavirus epidemic.
The poll shows Trump’s approval rating at 49%. 48% approved two weeks ago, and 47% of Americans approved of his job performance in late February.
The President’s approval ratings pertaining directly to the coronavirus epidemic are even better, with 51% of Americans stating he’s done a good job responding to the historically unprecedented event. The poll was conducted through phone calls to 1,107 registered voters nationwide
When asked about the federal response to the virus, only 4% of Americans stated that the government is “overreacting.” This suggests that the public is aware of the need for the disruptions to everyday life, even though the closure of businesses and social distancing has caused significant harm to the economy.
National polling has consistently demonstrated rising approval ratings for the President throughout the coronavirus epidemic. Earlier Pew polling revealed that 95% of Americans support the President’s life-saving early travel bans on China and Europe, a pandemic policy stance that presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden only got behind earlier this week.
21% of poll respondents state that they personally know someone who has the coronavirus, a statistic that speaks to the community spread of the novel disease in the United States. 94% of Americans describe themselves as concerned over the spread of the virus in the country. 57% of the public describes the United States as moving in the right direction in controlling the virus, whereas 30% disagree.
Certainly there’s a discussion to be had about balancing the need to protect public health and to advert harm to the economy. But the poll indicates that the public widely supports the measures taken to blunt the spread of the coronavirus.