DONE DEAL: Rick Scott Signs The Bill Because Rubio Ally Tied Gun Control To School Safety

Florida Republican governor Rick Scott will sign the Florida gun control bill Friday after meeting with Parkland high school students, insiders confirm.
The gun control bill imposes a bump stock ban, a three-day waiting period for rifle purchases, and expanded mental health background checks. The bill was whipped by Florida Republican House Speaker Richard Corcoran, a close ally of Senator Marco Rubio. The bill also enacts new school safety measures to arm school personnel.
Corcoran was threatening legislators that they would lose money for their districts if they did not pass the bill.
Some Republicans are upset that Corcoran tied the school safety policies to the gun control policies. A school safety bill introduced by Republicans would have passed with probably 100 percent support. But Corcoran decided to put forward a package bill with gun control elements in it.
Scott is expected to run for U.S. Senate against Bill Nelson, and — despite his strong alliance with President Trump — he probably sees Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as someone it’d be good to ally with. Insiders don’t see any direct McConnell influence on this move.