President Trump Hires Pro-Jeb Bush Swamp Rat to Lead His Domestic Policy Council

President Donald Trump has hired Derek Lyons, an establishment swamp rat who worked for Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign in 2016, to lead his Domestic Policy Council.
Lyons currently serves as the White House staff secretary, and he will be getting a promotion despite (or perhaps because of) his long-standing ties to the GOP establishment. He will be supplanting Joe Grogan as the head of the Domestic Policy Council.
Throughout Trump’s tenure in the White House, establishment hacks and “Never Trump” forces have been appointed to many different influential roles within the administration. The two primary enablers of this phenomenon have been Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
As Big League Politics has noted, Pompeo got his start as a Never Trumper and funneled like-minded people into the administration after worming his way into a position of influence:
While giving his address, Pompeo made other comments showing his neoconservative tendencies.
“Diplomacy and military strike go hand in hand,” Pompeo said. “They are indeed intimately related; each relies on the other.”
These words are not a slip of the tongue, as Pompeo has quietly led the charge for the infiltration of the Trump administration with ‘Never Trump’ operatives gunning to sabotage the President’s ‘America First’ agenda.
Mary Kissel, who Trump once called a “major loser,” was hired by Pompeo as a senior adviser in the State Department despite opposing her boss on every single one of his policies. Pompeo also hired James Jeffrey as his envoy for the Syrian war despite the fact that he was a ‘Never Trumper’ who signed a pro-Hillary Clinton letter arguing that Trump was “a dangerous president [who] would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being” in 2016.
In Pompeo’s most egregious betrayal of Trump, he hired Elliott Abrams – the disgraced war criminal who supported the Iraq War and perjured himself by lying to Congress over the Iran/Contra scandal – as the Venezuelan envoy despite Abrams’ long-stated goal for the GOP establishment to “seize the party machinery back immediately after the Trump defeat.”
President Donald Trump has apparently had a change of heart regarding open immigration following a massive corporate lobbying push to import more foreign workers into the US that would boost multinational profits at the expense of US workers.
“We want to have a very strong border, but we want to have a lot of people coming in,” Trump said at a White House summit this week with the corporate elite. “A lot of people don’t understand that. They think we’re shutting it out. We’re not shutting it out. We want people to come in, but they have to come in through a process.”
Trump credits his marvelous economy, sitting currently at about 3.6 percent, for why all this foreign labor is necessary.
“We’re going to let a lot of people come in because we need workers,” Trump said yesterday. “We have to have workers. These are low numbers, and in one way I love it, but in another way I don’t want to make it hard for you to get those companies rolling … with really great people.”
While Trump acts like this is a sudden change of heart spurred by the fact that his economy is doing well, it is more likely that his flip-flop has come as the result of a well-funded globalist lobbying campaign engineered by Trump’s son-in-law and international poster child for the dangers of nepotism, Jared Kushner.
McClatchy DC reported on Kushner’s scheming with individuals from the Koch-affiliated Libre Initiative, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and other open border groups as he exploited the government shutdown crisis to push amnesty.
The appointment of Lyons to Domestic Policy Council shows that nothing has changed within the administration. The swamp has overtaken the White House, and the president’s “America First” agenda is in serious jeopardy as a result.