Exclusive: House conservatives led by Rep. Babin ask Trump to force immigrants to post ‘charge bonds’
Big League Politics obtained a letter from 17 House conservatives sent a letter to President Donald J. Trump asking the president to enforce the federal law that requires immigrants to post “Public Charge Bond,” so they are not a public burden.
“Unfortunately, DHS and the State Department no longer require applicants to post a public charge bond, not does any other federal agency,” the letter said.
“As the result, an exorbitant amount of public assistance is being accessed by immigrants, who promised not to become a burden on the taxpayers,” the letter said.
The congressmen said the bond is an easily enforceable method of good public policy.
It is a very simple process, they said. “If the immigrant does not become a public charge, the bond is canceled. If the immigrant becomes a public charge, costs for public assistance benefits are deducted from the public charge bond.
Check here to read the entire letter:
Letter to POTUS re Public Charge Bond
Rep. Brian Babin (R.-Texas) wrote the letter and circulated it to his colleagues. The letter was sent to the president, his senior advisor Stephen Miller and Kathy Nuebel Kovarik, at the federal office of Policy and Strategy of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
The requirement for the bond in Section 213 of part of the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act or the McCarren-Walker Act, the letter said, but it was also part of federal immigration law 1882. President Harry S. Truman vetoed the bill, but the Democratic-controlled Congress overrode the veto.
Speaking on the Senate floor, Sen. Patrick A. McCarran (D.-Nev.) said: “Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States”
The bonds have been part of immigration legislation passed in 1891, 1917, 1952, 1965 and in 1996.
Because federal agencies ignore the federal law that requires a public charge bond, there have been two results, the letter said.
“Immigrants do indeed receive public assistance and at much higher rates than U.S. citizens”. Many are becoming dependent upon public assistance, the congressmen said. “Neither the immigrant nor their sponsor is held responsible for the costs associated with these benefits.”
Because the requirement for the bond is already federal law, no legislation is necessary, all that is needed is for the president to direct federal agencies to enforce it, the letter said.