EXCLUSIVE: Rahm Emanuel Poses for Picture with Gangbanger Flashing Gang Signs

Big League Politics has obtained a photo of the Mayor of Chicago posing with an apparent gang member as the gang member flashes a gang symbol.
“I would like to thank our esteemed mayor Rahm Emmanuel [sic] for posing with a gangbanger as he flashes gang signs,” wrote Facebook user Eboni Tucker in a post. “Luckily HobMobb Taydoe was so appreciative he included his photo with the mayor on his Facebook page, next to the photo of him pointing a handgun. Pride of Chicago right there.”
The photo was originally posted to Facebook by a user named Hobmob Taydoe with the caption “BLOCK FLOW.” The photo on the right, showing Taydoe pointing a handgun at the camera and a second man holding a stack of cash is captioned “Straight off Roc Blocks I’m Serious.”
Chicago’s violence is so bad that the Chicago Tribune keeps a weekly update of the number of homicides in the city in the current year on its website. According to the site, there have been 344 murders in Chicago this year.
Emanuel, a Democrat, was first elected in 2011 and was quite close with President Barack H. Obama during Obama’s tenure as president.