Eyewitness Account: Sean Spicer Got Wasted On Air Force One, Infuriating President Trump

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer got heavily drunk on Air Force One on President Donald Trump’s first overseas trip in May 2017 to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Rome, and the Vatican, according to an eyewitness account provided to Big League Politics.
Spicer not only proceeded to get plastered, but then held a press gaggle with reporters in his inebriated state, forcing then-deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders to “beg” the media not to run footage of Spicer’s drunken antics.
Trump was so incensed by Spicer’s immature behavior that he refused to allow Spicer to meet the Pope at the Vatican.
Good thing RNC flack Spicer ended up getting shown the door, replaced by Sanders.
Spicer’s claim that Trump asked him to come back to the White House is, quite clearly, not believable.
Spicer was back to his boozy ways after the State of the Union address Tuesday night, giving a slurring interview with Eric Bolling of The Blaze TV.
BTW it seems like Spicer had some drinks during #SOTU before his appeareance on BlazeTV lol pic.twitter.com/nFpv6wCxUl
— cristina lópez g. (@crislopezg) February 6, 2019