Facebook Aggressively Censoring Any Searches for Kyle Rittenhouse Amid Trial

Big Tech platform Facebook is aggressively censoring any searches for information about the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, an Illinois youth falsely accused of homicide by Wisconsin prosecutors following a self-defense incident at an ANTIFA riot.

Reports of Facebook turning off any and all search results amid the trial began last week, with Facebook users sharing evidence of totally disabled searches for Rittenhouse.

The block of information comes as Rittenhouse defense attorneys increasingly reveal a corrupt charade of a prosecution, with Kenosha County prosecutors implicated in coercing false testimony from witnesses and hardened ANTIFA militants openly admitting to chasing Rittenhouse armed with weapons during the shootings in August 2020.

The wide-ranging block serves as the latest piece of evidence suggesting Big Tech oligarchs intend to repurpose the people of the United States as mere babies, unable and forbidden from evaluating evidence, testimony and witnesses in a major murder trial that’s perhaps the most significant in the state of Wisconsin’s history.

The prosecution rested its case in Rittenhouse’s trial on Tuesday, with legal experts pointing to serious inconsistencies and fundamental legal flaws in their case. Judge Bruce Schroeder revealed a political thug had been caught intimidating jurors in the case as they rode a bus to the Kenosha courthouse, filming the jurors in a major breach of trial protocol.

Some have speculated that ANTIFA elements intend to riot and wreak violence upon a potential not guilty verdict. With the actual evidence in the trial hidden from view on Facebook and corporate media organizations increasingly unwilling to cover the trial, millions are left with nothing but a false narrative regarding the Rittenhouse shootings.

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