Facebook Censors GOP Candidate Neil Kumar

Is a pro-immigration moratorium candidate being censored for his immigration restrictionist beliefs?
In early July, Neil Kumar kicked off his campaign to receive the Republican Party nomination in Arkansas’s third congressional district.
Kumar is challenging incumbent Republican Steve Womack in this seat. Womack holds the dubious distinction of being one of several Republicans who voted for the bogus January 6th commission. Kumar has made a twenty-year immigration moratorium one of his key policy planks for his campaign
Kumar’s populist campaign has received local media coverage. But the media attention that has been the most negative towards Kumar has been social media, specifically Facebook. For example, on July 29, less than three weeks after Kumsr started his campaign Facebook took down the immigration patriot’s official Facebook campaign page by deleting his personal account.
In a post for VDARE, Kumar noted that his “Technically, my Facebook campaign page is still up. Functionally, however, it has been disabled, because my personal account was the admin—so, while the page still exists, I cannot access it, post to it, or update it in any way.” Facebook justified this action saying that Kumar’s account, or activity on it, doesn’t abide by Facebook’s Community Standards.
It’s very likely that the Masters of the Universe at Facebook saw Kumar’s campaign as a potential threat. Pushing for policies that preserve the Historic American Nation are anathema to these PC hall monitors.
Curiously, Kumar is mixed race. In his VDARE post, the congressional candidate noted that his “mother is Scots-Irish, with ancestry in America tracing back to 17th-century South Carolina” and his father is an Indian immigrant. Despite this background, Facebook still wants to clamp down on Kumar’s campaign. Outside of immigration, Kumar’s campaign platform is solidly America First on issues of ending anti-white discrimination to securing American elections.
But the attacks against Kumar have not been confined to social media censorship. For example, the University of Arkansas School of Law previously sent out an email to all of its students, faculty, and staff on July 21, while excluding Kumar who is in the final year of the law school’s J.D. program.
Kumar was able to get a friend to forward an email that Dean Margaret McCabe sent out to law students:
The University of Arkansas School of Law is driven by the well-being, health, and safety of our community. Recently, we have received inquiries from the public and the law school community asking for confirmation that a student is running for public office. We have responded to those inquiries in accordance with the law. This statement, issued in light of those inquiries, is intended to affirm the values of the University of Arkansas School of Law and to eliminate any confusion regarding the distinction between individual and institutional viewpoints. The University of Arkansas, as an institution, does not endorse any particular political viewpoint or candidate.
In addition, we affirm the First Amendment rights of our students, staff, and faculty. The law school supports an open exchange of ideas and respects the perspectives and contributions of each community member. We foster a dynamic and inclusive environment where diversity of all kinds, equity, factual accuracy, representation, and civility are highly valued. This feature of our community is the foundation of a functional democracy, the rule of law, and the legal profession.
We believe inclusivity at the University of Arkansas and the School of Law fosters a sense of belonging. Identifying our commonalities while striving to understand our differences creates a broad understanding of our shared humanity and is the foundation of our mission to build a better world.
As always, we will continue to be responsive to inquiries about our community members as the law and University policy require.
All best,
Dean McCabe
Margaret E. Sova McCabe
Dean & Professor of Law
University of Arkansas School of Law
Fayetteville, AR, 72701 USA
Office (479) 575-5601
Kumar speculates that there are calls to expel him from the School of Law, but the school is limited in its course of action because of its public status, which is constrained by the First Amendment. Had it been a woke private university, the University of Arkansas School of Law would have booted Kumar with the quickness.
Overall, Facebook and its Big Tech counterparts don’t care for free speech and serve as privatized arms of the managerial regime, which seeks to dispossess legacy Americans. The fact that Facebook is censoring Kumar’s campaigns shows that his campaign is a threat to the regime’s prevailing dogma.
Hopefully, more people like Kumar run for office and overwhelm the powers that be. The populist uprising is only getting started.