Failed ‘Ministry Of Truth’ Czar Claims Board Could Have Prevented Uvalde Shooting, Jack Posobiec SLAMS Comments

Failed Ministry of Truth czar Nina Jankowicz suggested that her disinformation governance board could have prevented the Uvalde shooting. Arguing that the gunman may have been radicalized by online content.
She made the comments last week during an interview on an NPR podcast.
“I think another example that’s important, that’s also within the Department’s portfolio, especially given the events of the past few weeks, is that disinformation plays a role in radicalizing people to violence,” Jankowicz said.
“You know, we’re seeing continued mass shootings here in the United States, and in many of those cases, violent extremism is begotten by things people see on the Internet,” she continued. “So, that’s the sort of thing that we would be looking to address.”
Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec, who has been credited by Jankowicz herself as the leading voice that led to her downfall, slammed the failed czar during the latest installment of his show.
Posobiec argued that if Jankowicz truly had prior information regarding the shooter that the public didn’t already know about, then she had the obligation to go to the authorities.
As expected, there are currently no official reports that side with Jankowicz’s suggestion that Ramos was radicalized online. Or that his rampage could have been stopped by a disinformation board.
Posobiec then slammed Jankowicz for simply trying to score “headlines” and “get attention.” Saying that the whole NPR interview was a cheap ploy intended to get “everyone talking about her.”
“Now, do we have actual information from the Uvalde shooter about targeting this school for reasons of violent extremism or disinformation?” Posobiec asked on his show. “Because, Nina if you know that, please share that with the authorities immediately, or perhaps not the authorities in Uvalde, because they don’t seem to be giving anyone the truth…”
“You gotta go share that with some real authorities! With the Texas governor’s office, the Texas AG office, and AG Paxton, who’s actually conducting a real investigation into this thing,” Posobiec concluded.
It looks as though this pent-up feud between Posobiec and Jankowicz is just getting started, as the failed czar has routinely cited the Human Events Daily host for “influencing the rest of the conversation about [her].”
Per Jankowicz, “[Posobiec was] the first kind of large, high follower persona to pick this [story] up.”
“And then from there,” she added in the NPR interview with host Terry Gross. “We saw, again, this coordinated messaging campaign on the floor of Congress, where many of the same tweets that Jack Posobiec had highlighted were then blown up onto poster board and decontextualized, during congressional hearings.”
Expect more of this back and forth between the two as Jankowicz works to re-establish her credibility after the proposed Ministry of Truth turned out to be a major flop.