Failing Weekly Standard Writes Puff Piece in Support of Far Leftist Cory Booker Presidency
A #NeverTrump magazine that will reportedly be going out of business in mere weeks appears to be mailing it in completely after writing a glowing piece in support of presidential bid for Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.).
“Social media are Booker’s bread and butter. They are good advertising, and they are free. But Booker senses that he’s not so much giving something as getting it. Without fail, he asks the first name of everyone he meets and is almost certain to repeat it back at least once. Booker is fond of tweeting out Dale Carnegie quotes and makes good on one of the guru of self-improvement’s famous rules: ‘Remember that a person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language,’” Weekly Standard said in a piece fawning over Booker.
The puff piece included a long anecdote about Booker giving McDonald’s french fries to a homeless man, which is supposed to make you believe that Booker is a good guy, another about how Booker’s parents fought against housing discrimination in the 1960’s for the same reason, and a weird blurb about how Booker is a “hugger,” which is supposed to make him relatable.
The piece even lauded despicable actions Booker’s actions during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings.
“But any name he has made for himself has been in opposing President Trump’s judicial nominations,” the magazine said approvingly. “His performance on the Judiciary Committee during Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings drew headlines and boosted his progressive cred. But his acts of “resistance” also had their comic moments. He said he risked expulsion from the Senate for releasing classified documents that he dramatically said showed Kavanaugh as an advocate of racial profiling. He called it his ‘I am Spartacus’ moment.'”
Finally, the Weekly Standard gave Booker a pass for groping a woman during his teens – to which he admitted in an op-ed written in Stanford University’s newspaper – which came to light during the hearings.
Booker blamed the culture of “toxic masculinity” that he grew up in for the incident. The piece finishes by giving its readers a glimpse at Booker’s campaign strategy. The rhetoric is just a bit further left-leaning than the GOP establishment fruitcakes that Weekly Standard supported, even after the American people decided that they wanted someone tough like Trump.
“Booker claims to see a path forward in ‘small acts of kindness, decency, and love.’ When he hears the ‘moral vandalism coming from the highest offices in the land’ he tells the crowd at Dartmouth, ‘it’s not time to curse another human being or descend into hateful rhetoric,'” the piece said. “‘It’s time to decide that I’m going to be light in this darkness, I’m going to be love, I’m going to be a part of a revival of civic grace in America.'”
From being the center of the conservative movement just a decade ago to riding off into the sunset praising a progressive Democrat, it sure has been an incredible fall from grace for the Weekly Standard.