FAILURE: Gun Grabber David Hogg Gives Up on Pillow Company Founded to Compete with Mike Lindell

Gun-grabbing alleged school shooting survivor David Hogg is already calling it quits on his pillow venture, just a couple months after announcing the company to hurt patriot Mike Lindell.

Hogg announced that he was starting Good Pillow in February as conservatives rushed to buy Lindell’s MyPillow products to reward him for standing strong against voter fraud. That initiative has already failed, and Hogg made the announcement in a series of Twitter posts.

“The reasons for my departure rests entirely with me and my own personal commitments and I truly wish (co-founder William LeGate) nothing but the best,” he wrote. 

“Over the next several months, I will be taking some time to focus on my studies in college and advance the gun violence prevention movement with March For Our Lives and personally,” Hogg added.

Instead of admitting that the project was an embarrassing failure, Hogg claimed that he just has too much on his plate to hawk progressive pillows. He claims his former partners will run “an ethical company that produces products that people need while creating good union paying jobs and supporting social causes at the same time.”

Big League Politics has reported on the creation of Hogg as a political reformer by a media campaign exploiting a mass shooting to steal more rights from Americans:

In a not-yet-released CBS Documentary, David Hogg, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student who has become the face of the gun control movement, changes his entire story and admits that he was not at the school during the event.

In a Time interview done within hours of the shooting Hogg recounted, “Our first response was ‘that sounded a lot like a gun shot’ and we closed the door.” Hogg claimed that he was in his AP environmental science class during the shooting. He also made videos of himself and other students, regarding gun control, purportedly while the shooting was going on.

But CBS News has released some transcripts from its “39 Days” documentary, in which student David Hogg is quoted.

“On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting,” Hogg said in his CBS News interview.

The shooting occurred in the afternoon, after alleged shooter Nikolas Cruz was dropped off after 2 PM.

“While I was in there, I thought, ‘What impact have I had? What will my story be if I die here? And the only thing I could think of was, pull out my camera and try telling others. As a student journalist, as an aspiring journalist, that’s all I could think: Get other people’s stories on tape. If we all die, the camera survives, and that’s how we get the message out there, about how we want change to be brought about,” Hogg recalled.”

Hogg’s venture failed because his movement made up of astro-turf, whereas Lindell has the enthusiastic support of millions of patriots across the country. The market has spoken.

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