Fake News Media Claims ‘Trump’s Forces’ are Plotting ‘Next Storming of the Capitol’

The fake news media is declaring without a shred of evidence that “Trump’s forces” are plotting their “next storming of the Capitol,” and “this time, they plan to win.”

Liberal columnist Jonathan Freedland argued these points in The Guardian where he claims Trump’s “followers are now ripping up the safeguards that foiled them” during the infamous Jan. 6 rally at the U.S. Capitol that is regularly called an insurrection or coup by critics.

“Democrats are unlikely to shift their fortunes in the present by laying out a case, even a compelling one, about the past. But that does not make 6 January a lost cause, still less an irrelevant one. Because none of this is about the past. It is about now,” Freedland wrote.

“The most obvious proof is Trump himself. He’s had some setbacks in this primary season, where his favored candidates in internal party contests have not always prevailed, but his dominance of the Republican party endures. Most assume that if Trump wants to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024, he will be. Of course, he remains utterly unrepentant about the events of 6 January,” he added.

Freedland is particularly worried about Trump’s enduring legacy in the Republican Party, and state-level reforms that have made it more difficult for Democrats to cheat the vote and get away with it.

“Methodically and across the US, Republicans have been working to dismantle the guardrails that keep American democracy on track. In 2021 alone, at least 19 Republican-ruled states passed measures whose official purpose was tackling (nonexistent) voter fraud but whose practical effect will be voter suppression, making it harder for low-income and minority Americans in particular to cast a ballot – and those efforts are continuing,” he wrote.

“More alarmingly, several Republican state legislatures have sought to put themselves or their allies in charge of what used to be non-partisan election machinery, installing Republicans – including “stop the steal” Trump loyalists – in the offices where votes get counted and certified,” Freedland added.

“The US only narrowly survived Trump on 6 January 2021 – and the defenses that kept the peril at bay are steadily getting weaker,” Freedland wrote to conclude his article.

The liberal media is freaking out because their Jan. 6 fearmongering is not taking hold among the masses, many of whom are realizing that Trump was great for the country after nearly two awful years of Biden’s illegitimate rule. The new America First GOP is a powerhouse, and liberalism is crumbling. The Left is correct to be nervous as the fight for the soul of the American nation is far from over.

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