False Flag? Internet Suspicious Over ‘Too Convenient’ Nazi Flag Outside U-Haul That Crashed Into WH Security Barriers Monday Night

Missouri teenager Sai Varshith Kandula crashed a U-Haul truck into the White House’s security barriers Monday night.

Kandula was arrested at the scene and charged with “trying to kill, kidnap or harm the president, vice president or a family member,” (18 U.S. Code § 879) Daily Mail reported.


Kandula later told FBI agents of his plans to overthrow the government, kill President Biden and “take over himself.”

Mainstream media outlets were quick to point out that 19-year-old Kandula was wielding a Nazi flag during the incident. And that he is a suspected white supremacist. 

Users on Twitter who have seen images of Kandula’s Driver’s license photo are thinking otherwise about the media’s white supremacist claim:


Though the name “Sai Varshith Kandula” doesn’t scream Christian white nationalist, users on Twitter are pointing out the perfectly placed, in-shot display of a Nazi flag on cable television. 

From the Gateway Pundit:

Internet users immediately were suspect. The only thing they found in the truck was a Nazi flag? This was too convenient for Joe Biden and the FBI’s narrative of the dreaded white supremacist threat in America. It smelled like another fed operation.

Just watch CNN’s reaction when they saw the perp’s name for the first time. And notice how they still don’t show Kandula’s photo in the clip below:

According to overnight checks by the FBI, Kandula did not appear on any watch lists. It was also determined that President Biden was inside the White House at the time of the incident. 

Though, per Daily Mail, it remains “unclear if he is aware of it now.”

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