FBI Agent Assigned to Weiner Case Alluded to Child Porn on Laptop

Buried in the middle of page 303 in the IG report is testimony from an FBI Agent assigned to the 2016 Anthony Weiner case that seems to have gone unnoticed since the document as released.
“Why isn’t anybody here,” asked the case agent rhetorically while testifying to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). Like, if I’m the supervisor of any [Criminal Informant] squad in Seattle and I hear about this, I’m getting on with headquarters and saying, ‘hey, some agent working child porn here may have [Hillary Clinton] emails.'”
Read the quote in full context here:
“In an October 3 email, the case agent stated that a ‘significant number’ of emails on the Weiner laptop appeared to be ‘between Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton’ (the latter who appears to have used a number of different email addresses,” the report says.
According to this section of the report, there were several emails found on Weiner’s laptop between Abedin and Clinton, and that same laptop may also have had child porn on it. Weiner is currently serving a 21 month sentence in Federal Prison for sexting a 15-year-old girl, and will be required to register as a a sex offender upon his release.
More broadly, the case agent assigned to Weiner’s case was explaining to the OIG that the FBI took no action to investigate Weiner’s laptop, and he could not understand why.
According to the case agent, he documented to his supervisor, an Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) for the Southern District of New York whom he describes as a “friend,” his concerns with the investigation several times, starting with the October 3 email. He was hoping that the AUSA would contact District Attorney Preet Bharara and get him involved. Apparently, she did not.
“And I told [the AUSA], ‘I’m a little scared here,'” he said. “I don’t know what to do because I’m not political. Like, I don’t care who wins this election, but this is going to make us look really, really horrible.”
Two and a half weeks after initially alerting the AUSA about his concerns, on October 19, the case agent met with the AUSA in person. A second AUSA was present. Still, nothing was accomplished.
The case agent’s story of FBI inaction fits with disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok’s actions during the “investigation.” Big League PoliticsĀ reported that Strzok slow-played the Weiner laptop search warrant:
“FBI agent Peter Strzok emailed the draft copy of the Anthony Weiner search warrant to himself on his private email address days before the election, which allowed him to make changes to the warrant without being detected by FBI documentation. This revelation came out in the Michael Horowitz inspector general report.
If Strzok had printed out the draft warrant at his office, it would be subject to official FBI records. But instead he sent it to his private email on October 29, which allowed him to print it off at home. Insiders believe that Strzok showed the draft warrant to other people, despite the warrant being under seal by a federal judge.
The Anthony Weiner warrant ended up being limited in scope, leaving out some of the private email domains that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin used to send each other classified information.”
BLP Passage Ends.
According to the OIG report, the case agent “was, getting, for lack of a better word, paranoid, that like, somebody was not acting appropriately, somebody was trying to bury this.”
Even members of the FBI were suspicious that the FBI was covering for the Clinton machine. What exactly were they covering up?