FBI Agents Harass Pro-Family Group That Exposes Pedophiles Organizing Drag Queen Story Hour Events

The pro-family group MassResistance, which specializes in exposing pedophiles who are organizing drag queen story hour events, is getting harassed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The group has published many controversial posts about the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol demonstration from their website. They believe that this is why their leaders are being targeted by the feds who are desperate to make examples in the wake of that event.
“It is not an exaggeration to say that this so-called “law enforcement” organization has become reminiscent of the East German Stasi and the Soviet Union’s KGB. A visit from the FBI can be the beginning of a nightmare for a citizen,” MassResistance wrote.
That nightmare may have started for the group’s national organization director Arthur Schaper, who recently received a visit from two FBI special agents at his suburban Los Angeles, Calif. apartment.
“We’re following up on leads from DC. We’re just curious if you went to DC or if you knew anybody who had gone to DC, and if you’d be willing to talk to us about any of that,” an agent reportedly told Schaper.
“I did not go to DC. But honestly, I think this is a massive abuse of power which you guys are doing. It’s disgusting. I want to have a lawyer with me before I talk to you. You guys are violating the Constitution,” Schaper responded.
They refused to tell Schaper how they were able to get into the apartment complex, and this is when he told the FBI agents to leave. They eventually complied with his request. MassResistance president Brian Camenker reached out to FBI offices in Boston and Los Angeles after the fact but received no response.
“It’s certainly frightening that the Biden administration has militarized the FBI and much of the federal government against conservative Americans. But as free people, we must stand up to it. We cannot back down or be intimidated… This is not the America we once knew. But we are doing our best to bring our country back,” MassResistance wrote to conclude their report on what occurred.
Big League Politics has reported on the work of MassResistance in the past as they have smoked out pedophiles running drag queen story hour operations to groom kids into the satanic LGBT lifestyle:
“After revealing that Houston public libraries allowed a sex offender to groom children at controversial ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ programs, the Houston MassResistance whistle-blower group has found that another pedophile has been given intimate access to young children at these perverted events.
Houston MassResistance uncovered that William Travis Dees, who is a member of a draq queen group called the “Space City Sisters,” has been participating in Drag Queen Story Hour events in the town. Dees is a child sex offender who brags about his time as a transgender prostitute.
“He was photographed at a Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) event carrying a rubber chicken – a symbol used by homosexuals to indicate a sexual preference for young boys,” the Houston MassResistance wrote in a post.
Dees’ stage name is Liza Lott, and he has served as a “greeter” during story hour to give himself special access to the children as their parents usher them in to have their souls warped. Houston MassResistance activists uncovered records showing Dees once victimized children as young as four years old with his vicious assaults.
“Dees was convicted in 2004 of sex crimes against four young children (ages 4, 5, 6, and 8), was jailed, and is listed as a ‘high risk sex offender.’ MassResistance activists have also identified numerous aliases which Dees uses for his various characters and personas,” the whistle-blowers wrote.
“Since Dees was 16 years old at the time of his conviction, his record is “sealed” and not posted on government sites. However, it is available from other sex-offender record sources,” they added.”
Instead of investigating actual domestic terrorists like members of ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter, the FBI focuses on conservative activists operating lawfully under the 1st Amendment. The federal policing operation is truly something that the Soviets would have been proud of.