FBI Fires Swinger Agent Behind Supposed Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Bust After Wife-Beating Charges

An FBI agent behind the arrests of several Michigan men who were allegedly planning the kidnapping of Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been fired by the federal agency, following serious domestic violence charges against the agent.

Richard Trask, the ex-agent in question, is accused of smashing his wife’s head against a nightstand and choking her in July. Court documents allege that Trask was angry with his wife after she told him she didn’t enjoy a swingers’ party the couple had attended.

A spokesperson for the FBI confirmed to Michigan WWMT that Trask no longer works for the agency on Saturday.

A confidential informant was paid almost $9,000 to recruit ‘military wannabees’ to the supposed kidnapping plot, which would’ve involved placing Whitmer on ‘trial’ outside of the state after kidnapping her from her home. A lawyer for one of the defendants has called the plot a fabrication on the part of the government, saying there was never anything to it beyond dramatic bluster posted in internet chat rooms. One alleged militia plotter has pled guilty, with proceedings ongoing at both the federal and state level for fourteen people.

Trask, an investigator of the supposed ‘Wolverine Watchmen,’ was dropped as a witness by the prosecutors of the case after he was pinned for left-wing social media posts in which he called former President Donald Trump a ‘douchebag’ and a ‘piece of s***.’

Trask’s downfall from the agency and political slant may jeopardize criminal charges against members of the supposed militia group, which continue to be litigated in the federal court system. Defense attorneys for the defendants have requested 90 days to investigate the backgrounds and actions of FBI agents involved in the purported bust, which increasingly resembles an entrapment-style plot with no chance of ever actually coming to fruition. Federal agencies have used such tactics in numerous instances against supposed ISIS supporters and Islamist radicals in previous years, in some cases creating chatrooms and peer groups that themselves radicalize potential extremists into criminal action.

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