Federal Judge Blocks ICE’s ‘Secure Communities’ Program in California at Request of ACLU Lawyers

U.S. District Court Judge Andre Birrote Jr, an appointee of former President Barack Hussein Obama, issued an injunction last week preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from using ‘Secure Communities’ databases to identify and detain illegals in parts of California.

Birotte determined that ICE’s database had “serious errors.” The rights of the illegals were violated by the program, he stated while issuing his injunction that will further exacerbate the flooding at the U.S. southern border.

“The result, of course,” Birrote explained in his ruling, “is that many U.S. citizens become exposed to possible false arrest when ICE relies solely on deficient databases.”

The class-action lawsuit, Gonzalez v. ICE, had been pending since 2013. The plaintiffs were represented in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), the legal firm Kaye, McLane, Bednarski + Litt LLP, the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), and, of course, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southern California (ACLU SoCal).

The ruling will pertain to all ICE detainers carried out in the Central District of California, and the far-left ACLU is gloating as a result.

“This decision is a major indictment of ICE’s dragnet deportation program, which for more than a decade has subjected citizens and non-citizens to needless unconstitutional arrests at the mere click of a button,” said Jennie Pasquarella, senior staff attorney and director of immigrants’ rights for the ACLU SoCal.

“Reams of evidence presented at trial demonstrated ICE’s complete disregard for the people impacted by its actions and its concern only with using an automated system to arrest record numbers of people,” she added.

ICE’s “Secure Communities” program was suspended during the Obama regime, and then re-enacted by President Trump’s Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States executive order in 2017. ICE describes their program as follows:

Secure Communities will utilize all available data systems and Criminal Alien Program resources to identify and take enforcement actions (to include the lodging of detainers) against criminal and other priority aliens while they are in the custody of another law enforcement or correctional agency. This will prevent their release back into the community, and thus stop the cycle of recidivism perpetrated by many of these criminal and immigration offenders.

Secure Communities had a long and successful history prior to its suspension as indicated above. In fact, from its inception in 2008 through FY14 and since its reactivation on January 25, 2017 through the end of FY 2017, Secure Communities interoperability led to the removal of over 363,400 criminal aliens from the U.S.

The crippling of this program will only further add to the sanctuary policies that have already caused the state of California to descend into third-world squalor.

“This year, ICE lodged over 11,000 detainers with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, but unfortunately, less than 500 of those detainers have been honored,” said David Marin, Field Office Director for ICE ERO in Los Angeles.

“These are criminal aliens and immigration violators who have been arrested and were in the custody of local law enforcement agencies,” he added.

The federal kritarchy, or rule by robed lawyers acting outside of the bounds of the constitution and rule of law, is putting the most vulnerable at risk. The enemies of America are cheering as a result of this incomprehensible ruling.

“I think the decision is a tremendous blow to ICE’s Secure Communities deportation program and to Trump’s effort to use police throughout the country to further his deportation programs,” Jessica Bansal, senior staff attorney with the ACLU of Southern California, said to the Los Angeles Times.

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