Federal Judge Orders Epstein Victim’s Lawyers to Destroy Court Docs Related to Ghislaine Maxwell

A federal judge has ordered the attorneys of Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre to destroy documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell, an Epstein confidant who has been frequently named as his former collaborator in child sex trafficking.
Senior U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska made the determination in lawsuits Giuffre and her attorneys, Cooper and Kirk, have filed against Maxwell and former Epstein attorney Alan Dershowitz. Preska rejected Dershowitz’s attempt to change a protective order to receive documents for his defense in the defamation case while ordering Giuffre’s attorneys to destroy documents from a previously-settled case involving Maxwell.
Preska wrote in her decision that “discovery materials designated CONFIDENTAL cannot be disclosed or used outside of the confines of the Maxwell action” and “that properly designated discovery materials may only be disclosed to specific groups of individuals, including attorneys ‘actively working on’ the Maxwell litigation.” Preska believes that Giuffre’s new attorneys do not meet this standard.
“As a practical matter, the Court would be surprised – shocked, even – if Cooper & Kirk was not in some sense “using” the Maxwell discovery in its representation of Ms. Giuffre in her action against Mr. Dershowitz,” Preska speculated. “And, even if it was not doing so, Cooper & Kirk is not ‘actively working on’ the Maxwell matter such that disclosure of discovery materials to it would be permissible under the plain terms of the protective order.”
Because of her assumptions, Preska is ordering all of the Maxwell documents, with the exception of Giuffre’s testimony in the case, to be destroyed effective immediately.
This is not the first time that the courts have covered for Epstein and his collaborators. Maxwell is living in a lap of luxury in Paris right now without so much as even being questioned by authorities for her alleged role in a child rape network.
Big League Politics reported last month that another federal judge with ties to Epstein’s enablers issued an order in Florida to keep crucial documents under wraps:
Krista Marx, a Palm Beach judge who has refused to release documents related to late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, has deep personal and professional ties to officials who shielded Epstein from justice, the Miami Herald has discovered.
Marx has deep connections to State Attorney Dave Aronberg, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, and ex-State Attorney Barry Krischer. All three of these men have allegedly protected Epstein in some fashion. Marx used her authority in January to deny prosecutors the ability to unseal grand jury records related to Epstein’s infamous 2008 prosecution that allowed him to flout the justice system despite pleading guilty for child sex crimes.
Last week, Marx rebuked the Palm Beach Post, who sued Aronberg and a county clerk to release the grand jury records, in another decision. Aronberg has denied that he is in possession of the records. What may have compromised Marx while making her ruling is the fact that Marx’s daughter works for Aronberg as an assistant state attorney.
In addition, Bradshaw employers her son as a sheriff’s deputy, and Krischer was her former boss for several years. Marx failed to disclose any of this information publicly or recuse herself from the case despite the potential for conflict of interest.
Marx responded to the Miami Herald with an evasive response: “A judge is prohibited from commenting on open cases. It is a clear rule of the judicial canons. See cnn 3 (B) 9.”
Krischner employed Marx from 1992 to 1998 as an assistant state attorney. He was influential in orchestrating the grand jury proceedings that resulted in the incredible leniency for deceased pedophile Epstein. Sheriff Bradshaw made sure that Epstein was able to continue living his lavish lifestyle while under supposed work release from jail.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed special prosecutors to get to the bottom of exactly why Epstein was treated so favorably by Florida courts and authorities, but even beyond the grave, Epstein’s extensive connections are preventing real transparency from being known by the public.
“The system is one that the good ‘ol boys have built for 20 or 30 years. And now, it’s in jeopardy over this case,” said Jose Lambiet, a former writer for the Post who has become a private investigator.
“Marx needs to recuse herself and anything that is done in the Epstein case should be in a different county,” he added.
The deep state desperately wants to keep the Epstein pedophile operation under wraps, which is probably why he was suicided in the first place.