Federal Judge Who Dismissed Sidney Powell’s Michigan Lawsuit is Far-Left, Anti-Cop, Pro-Affirmative Action Obama Appointee

Earlier today, U.S. District Judge Linda Parker dismissed a Michigan vote fraud lawsuit filed by attorney Sidney Powell while spitting in the face of every whistleblower who has bravely emerged to expose the grotesque cheating that occurred in the city of Detroit and other Democrat-dominated inner city slums on election day.

Parker dismissed Powell’s lawsuit on Monday as a “an amalgamation of theories, conjecture, and speculation,” and opined that investigating voter fraud cannot be done because it would undermine “faith in the democratic process.”

“For these reasons, the Court finds that Plaintiffs are far from likely to succeed in this matter,” she wrote in her conclusion.

It should come as no surprise that Parker is a far-left Obama appointee to the bench who has derided police, supported affirmative action, and served as the head of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission.

While she led the civil rights commission, Parker was a favorite of the far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU spends most of their time working to make Christians second class citizens in their own country while largely ignoring coronavirus lockdowns and other real threats to civil liberties.

“I was thrilled when the Governor appointed Linda Parker to head the agency. Linda has been a staunch civil rights advocate throughout her career. She led an effort to put the right against racial profiling, for example, at the top of the agenda of the law enforcement community when she was at the Justice Department,” said Kary L. Moss, Executive Director of the ACLU of Michigan.

“She is providing vision and direction to the agency and will position it so that it can meet the needs of Michigan citizens for generations to come,” she added.

Parker has also been a long-time proponent of affirmative action, favoring public policy that would punish one ethnic group at the behest of another. When dozens of senators refused to confirm her nomination to the federal bench because of her history of radicalism, she touted it as some sort of achievement.

“I know that I did not get a 99 and 0 vote. There were four from Michigan who were nominated and the three excluding me got through with like a 97 to 0. But I had 37 people voting no,” Parker said. “And I got so many text messages from the civil rights community saying to wear those 37 no votes with honor. It would have been very troubling if you got through with unanimous support… Let me be very clear that my civil rights background was a problem for the US Senate.”

Parker even attempted to overturn Proposition 2, which was approved by Michigan voters in 2006. Proposition 2 effectively banned affirmative action in the state. Parker attempted to overthrow the decision by the people, literally opposing democracy because she did not get her way, but was ultimately rebuked by the Supreme Court. She made it clear that she will never let the pesky voice of the people get in the way of enacting her extreme left-wing agenda.

“The finding in that case was that Proposal 2, the voice of the people, that has to stand, as raggedy as that ballot initiative process was,” Judge Parker said. “The bottom line was the Supreme Court found that the bottom line was the Supreme Court found that the people had spoken so they could not overturn the vote of the people. So there is more work to be done,” she said.

“It was a good fight and a very revealing time in Michigan… I think we had more conversations about racial justice, about equality, about equality for women too because it was not obviously just a situation dealing with people of color, it was also dealing with women,” Parker added.

She also whined about law enforcement’s response to black crime, claiming that police are guilty of “overt racism” because of “under-representation of individuals of color on the police force in Ferguson,” the Missouri city where black thug Michael Brown was shot dead after reportedly attacking a white cop, which resulted in riots and looting in 2014. This was the genesis of the Black Lives Matter movement, which has evolved into an existential threat to civil society.

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