FITTING: Creepy Porn Lawyer Endorses Creepy Joe Biden

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer who previously represented adult film star Stormy Daniels and received the moniker Creepy Porn Lawyer on “Tucker Carlson Tonight”, has endorsed the nascent campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden, who has been accused of making women and children feel uncomfortable with physical contact.
Avenatti, who once had his own aspirations of running for president, fully endorsed Biden on his locked Twitter account earlier today.
“I am extremely happy that @JoeBiden has decided to enter the race,” wrote Avenatti. “He offers Dems the very best chance in 2020, especially in key states. He has the fight, intelligence and fortitude to beat Trump and begin to make America, America again.”
“He has my enthusiastic support.”
Avenatti earned the nickname “Creepy Porn Lawyer” while appearing on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” in an attempt to trash President Donald J. Trump and defend his client, Stormy Daniels, who went on to lose her lawsuit against the president.
The legally embroiled lawyer is currently facing criminal charges for various crimes over the last several years, including failure to pay taxes, keeping his clients’ money improperly, and extortion.
Meanwhile Biden, of course, has been accused of being “creepy” by several women.
One Latina Democrat claims she was unnerved when Biden approached her from behind, sniffed her hair, and whispered into her ears. After the woman told her story to the media, several more women came forward to accuse Biden of improper physical contact.
In a strange move, Biden went on to joke about the accusations on stage, in what many considered a tone deaf attempt at humor.
This represents perhaps the most fitting endorsement of the 2020 campaign thus far: Creepy Porn Lawyer endorsing Creepy Joe Biden. At this point, the only remaining question is whether Biden will choose Radiohead’s “Creep” as his campaign song to bring the irony home.