Flashback: Cory Booker’s Odd Exchange With Portland Stripper

A Senator from New Jersey who has clear presidential aspirations had a strange exchange with a stripper from Portland during his time as mayor of Newark.
“The East Coast loves you, and by the East Coast, I mean me,” Sen. Cory Booker told stripper Lynsie Lee in a Twitter message in 2013.
At the time, Lee used a topless picture of herself as a profile picture and shared the private message to her followers by Tweeting it publicly.
“Well, now I’m blushing :)” she replied to Booker, to which Booker said “It’s only fair.”
The story was first printed by BuzzFeed, who spoke to Lee about the exchange. According to Lee, she reached out to Booker first.
“He was just flattering me,” she said.
Lee worked at a vegan strip club called Casa Diablo in Portland, Oregon at the time.
Apparently the pair became acquainted when they were both included in a film about social media, and Lee said that she developed “slight crush on the mayor.”
Over the past weeks, Booker lambasted Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh regarding unprovable allegations of sexual misconduct, only for it to be revealed that he admitted to groping a girl as a teenager.
Big League Politics reported:
A New Jersey Senator who has been sharply critical of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh wrote a 1992 column in which he bragged about groping a high school friend.
“As we fumbled upon the bed, I remember debating my next ‘move’ as if it were a chess game,” said Sen. Cory “Spartacus” Booker in the column. “With the ‘Top Gun’ slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my ‘mark.’”
Booker admittedly ignored his female friend’s rejection before moving forward in his column called “So Much for Stealing Second.”