Flashback: Kamala Harris Promised To Shut Down Majority Of Immigration Detention Centers

Back in 2019, then-Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris  vowed to shut down the majority of the United States’ immigration detention centers, declaring she would “shut them down” as president. Such a plan would have roughly 90% of all illegal aliens held in detention loose into the American interior.

In 2019, during her failed bid for the US presidency running in the Democratic presidential primary, Harris said before a crowd in Iowa City, Iowa, that she would shut down immigration detention facilities being run by private contractors who work alongside the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to house migrants as they await their deportation.

A voter asked Harris the following:

When you become president, would you be committing to close the immigration detention centers? 

Harris responded in kind: 

Absolutely, on day one — on day one … in Homestead, Florida, there is a detention facility — a for-profit detention facility, a private detention facility — that you are paying for … It’s paid for with United States taxpayer dollars that at the time, and I think today, is housing 2,700 children. And when I got there … we tried to get in. They wouldn’t let us in … I walked down the road and climbed a ladder to see what was going on inside, and what I saw, what I saw were children lined up, single-file, based on gender, being walked into barracks. And let’s be clear about these private detention facilities. This means that their business model is that people are profiting off of the incarceration of other human beings, who, in this case, are children. On day one, we’ll shut them down.” 

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) claims that roughly 90% of illegal alien invaders held in DHS custody are housed in detention facilities owned by private corporations. If the statistics are to be taken seriously, Harris’s plan would see approximately 90% of illegal aliens currently held in DHS custody let loose into the American interior.

Harris also revealed that her potential administration would concentrate on “shutting down those private detention facilities” and attempt to pass legislation to create “a pathway to citizenship,” i.e pass an amnesty bill. 

Harris is trying to market herself as an alleged pro immigration restriction politician despite the disastrous track record she and her boss Joe Biden have built up at the southern border. According to estimates from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, well over 6 million illegal alien invaders have crossed the US southern border with Mexico since Biden was installed  in office in January 2021.

Make no mistake about it, Harris is putting on an act here. Should she be installed in office, she will go back to the Democratic Party’s open border agenda. No questions asked.

If we want to preserve the demographic integrity of the US, Kamala Harris can’t be allowed to take power.

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