Flashback: Christian Journalist Physically Removed from Presser During Obama Administration

There’s been much hand-wringing by the mainstream press over the past week after petulant CNN propaganda man Jim Acosta had his White House press credentials revoked after repeatedly hijacking press briefings and then putting his hands on a female White House intern.

“Press Secretary Sarah Sanders lied,” CNN said. “This unprecedented decision is a threat to our democracy and the country deserves better. Jim Acosta has our full support.”

Now, video has surfaced of a 2009 incident when a black female Christian reporter was physically dragged out of a press area.

Reverend Brenda Lee was working for the Georgia Informer at the time, and she had a press pass for the briefing.

“All of a sudden, the staffer member – a male, white – left and this time he comes back with four people,” Lee said. “And so they said they wanted me to follow them, and it’s like, you know what, I’m here to get a story. What is the problem here.”

Video shows Lee being physically dragged out of the event by several Secret Service members. The Indianapolis Star was one of the few outlets to cover the event at the time. She reportedly wanted to ask the president questions about his stance on “traditional marriage.”

“And then the officer said ‘we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way,'” Lee said. “One person immediately dropped out, but the other three persisted in dragging me past the press and back to the area where the security people were.”

There was no national outrage. There were no think-pieces from mainstream press outlets about what this meant for the state of the First Amendment and the freedom of the press in America. Why not?

Because it was Obama, the media’s darling, who ordered this abomination. Not President Donald J. Trump. Truly despicable.


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