FLASHBACK: Romney, McConnell Worshiped RussiaGate Hoaxer John McCain — LAST WEEK
President Donald Trump, not willing to accept the fake news narrative that deceased Sen. John McCain was a dignified public servant, continues to tell the truth about McCain’s record of saving Obamacare, working to elect Hillary Clinton president, and plotting with the deep state to undermine the office of the president until his death.
“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president I had to approve,” Trump said to a working class audience in Lima, OH. “I don’t care about this. I didn’t get [a] thank you. That’s okay. We sent him on the way, but I wasn’t a fan of John McCain.”
This followed some accurate tweets maligning McCain, the Iraq War cheerleader who is now considered a saint by the US corporate press, for his shameful record.
The most cowed and controlled members of the Senate lined up to bash the President for making these truthful comments about McCain. Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Johnny Isakson (R-GA) ran to the mainstream media to denigrate Trump and score points with NPCs by spewing comforting lies about McCain.
“It will be deplorable seven months from now if he says it again. And I will continue to speak out, because there’s one thing we’ve got to do — you may not like immigration, you may not like this, you may not like that, you may be a Republican, you may be a Democrat, but we’re all Americans,” Isakson said during an interview with Georgia NPR.
“There aren’t Democratic casualties and Republican casualties on the battlefield — there are American casualties. And we should never reduce the service that people give to this country, including the offering of their own life, to anything but political fodder in Washington, D.C.,” Isakson added.
Fellow Presidential loser Mitt Romney, who became a Utah Senator only to be a constant thorn in the side of President Trump, issued a tweet to triumph McCain and express his confusion and dismay at the Commander-in-Chief.
I can’t understand why the President would, once again, disparage a man as exemplary as my friend John McCain: heroic, courageous, patriotic, honorable, self-effacing, self-sacrificing, empathetic, and driven by duty to family, country, and God.
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) March 19, 2019
Even Cocaine Mitch let us all down by releasing a groveling tweet regarding McCain.
Today and every day I miss my good friend John McCain. It was a blessing to serve alongside a rare patriot and genuine American hero in the Senate. His memory continues to remind me every day that our nation is sustained by the sacrifices of heroes.
— Leader McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) March 20, 2019
The ‘Never Trumpers’ and other weak conservative pundits find Trump’s truth-telling to be abominable as well. They are rushing to virtue signal for their media masters about how Trump’s comments were supposedly obscene and unfathomable.
The neoconservative sell-outs over at The Bulwark used the controversy to divide the Republican ranks heading into 2020 and attempt to cajole McCain’s former butt buddy Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) into chiding President Trump over his comments.
“All of which placed Lindsey Graham in an awkward position. Graham was one of McCain’s closest friends in the Senate. He’s now a Trump ally who tries to let as little daylight come between himself and the president as possible. He tried to square the circle by subtweeting a small tribute to McCain without mentioning Trump,” wrote A.B. Stoddard, referencing this tweet thread issued by Graham.
The establishment Republican stronghold, HotAir bemoaned the “sheer weirdness” of Trump’s outburst as another self-serving expression of a “troll” who wants to have his “sick burns reach every corner of the globe.”
“He’s making new enemies gratuitously, especially within his own party,” Allahpundit wrote of President Trump.
“Even people who hold no special affection for McCain will find this spectacle strange and petty, and those who did like McCain will find it appalling. Basically only his fans, who are voting for him anyway, will enjoy it. Smart move from a guy facing reelection who’s at 43 percent in most polls,” wrote Allahpundit, whose predictions regarding Trump have been spectacularly wrong.
Eric Erickson threatened Trump in an op/ed at The Resurgent, warning him that the ‘Never Trump’ crybabies are looking for any reason to remove their support for him at any given moment so he better watch out.
“Continuing this fixation with John McCain reminds a lot of conservatives who sat out 2016 why they sat it out,” Erickson surmised, “It also makes the President look crazier than any one of the Democrats.”
Trump is earning the scorn of the individuals who would have put up low energy Jeb Bush or little Marco Rubio up for the presidency in 2016 to “lose with honor” to Crooked Hillary. This is a good sign heading into 2020 when Trump will have to fight his way to a second presidential term.