Florida Anti-Black Lives Matter Sheriff Hit with Criminal Charges Right Before Election

Florida Sheriff Darryl Daniels has become known as one of the few public officials willing to push back against the Black Lives Matter terror movement, and now he is paying the price for it.

Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels has been accused of illegally ordering the arrest of his former mistress. He was given an ultimatum by a special prosecutor that he must either resign or be arrested, but he’s refusing to back down against what he feels is a politically-motivated measure to damage his chances to be re-elected. The election is scheduled to take place on Tuesday.

Daniels has been charged with third-degree felony evidence tampering and three misdemeanor counts of giving false reports to police. This stems from a May 2019 incident in which Daniels reported that he was being stalked and harassed by Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office correctional officer Cierra Smith.

Smith was having an affair with Daniels since at least 2012, according to the State Attorney’s Office. Daniels’ wife reportedly threatened to kill Smith after she became aware of the affair, which resulted in a police report being filed. Smith’s now-ex husband Larry claims Daniels paid her thousands of dollars not to speak about the affair publicly.

Daniels admits that he was having the affair but denies that he was involved in any criminal wrongdoing.

“One thing I take ownership of as a man is my failures as a husband. That has nothing to do with me as a sheriff,” Daniels said.

“The things that I’ve done in my personal life, some of those things were wrong; and some things, most recently, were very wrong. But my job as the Sheriff is a different thing,” he added.

Daniels noted that this has the makings of a political railroading to get him out of office and replace him with a globalist who would be unwilling to stand against BLM and other far-left threats.

“You know, over a year ago, I was the subject of an investigation. And that took nearly a year and a half, nearly a year and a half,” he said in his statement. “And over the course of time, I’ve continued to fight for the Sheriff’s Office and the folks who live in this community.”

“But one thing that’s very suspicious to me is the fact that within days of a primary election, the powers that be, specifically the State Attorney’s Office has decided that today is the day that they will execute their plan and interfere with what’s going on with the sheriff. With me,” Daniels continued.

“Today is the day that they chose to essentially charge me with things that are such that… it’s baffling to me because it takes a stretching of the imagination to understand personally knowing that I’m innocent,” he added.

Big League Politics reported last month when Daniels suggested he would deputize every gun owner in his county to fight off leftist invaders:

A Florida sheriff is pledging to deputize law-abiding gun owners within his county if left-wing rioters “overwhelm” law enforcement.

Darryl Daniels, Clay County Sheriff, made the pledge in a video released on Tuesday morning. He also slammed misinformation and hysteria advanced by the mainstream media, inciting against law enforcement and covering up the criminal activities of lawless rioters.

“If we can’t handle you, I’ll exercise the power and authority as the sheriff, and I’ll make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in this county and I’ll deputize them for this one purpose to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility,” warned Sheriff Daniels.

The sheriff issued a direct warning to ANTIFA criminals and left-wing rioters hoping to replicate a model of destruction, violence and criminal activity in his jurisdiction, a county just south of Jacksonville.

“If you threaten to come to Clay County… And think for one second that we’ll bend our backs for you- you’re sadly mistaken. I know what happens when lawlessness prevails… If we can’t handle you, you know what I’ll do? I will exercise the power and authority of the sheriff, and I will make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in this country… to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility.”

Florida’s deep state is taking aim at Daniels, showing yet again that standing with the people in this day and age has major consequences. He is currently suspended from his office until the felony case is resolved.

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